Open Handhelds Comparison Sheet

Liking the look of the upgraded Yinlips that's available to pre-order. I'd be all over it, if my Pandora didn't render it redundant.
Me thinks this needs a capacitive multitouch screen to be any good also the only independent device to garner any support is the dingoo a320 will the homebrew comunity embrace this or just discard it like they do so many other handhelds remains to be seen.
Thanks to you. As I see, you added some details yourself. :D

How about this
or this
picture? :)

Oh and I wrote at SNES: "Yes, but something slow". I think "Yes, but some games slow" is better. ^^

But great work!
Thats a nice document on page one. good comparisson all in one place.

Dont think you got the Game Gadget on there though, that is coming out at the end of March - according to the mailing list email i got from them.

They emailed an early visualisation trailer, here:

I was considering the Caanoo for a while, as an interim for my Pandora, it was between that and the Dingoo a320 but i like the nub and size of the Cannoo more.

But then i saw the Game Gadget, which is coming out at £99, so im going to get one of those most likely as soon as they launch.

Its no Pandora, but prob should be on this list/document
Liking the look of the upgraded Yinlips that's available to pre-order. I'd be all over it, if my Pandora didn't render it redundant.
Me thinks this needs a capacitive multitouch screen to be any good also the only independent device to garner any support is the dingoo a320 will the homebrew comunity embrace this or just discard it like they do so many other handhelds remains to be seen.

True, the Dingoo got lucky... that and its low price tag basically meant everyone picked one up for a giggle. Was a really nice little handheld, but I had to sell mine; it didn't deserve to stay neglected in a drawer.
I don'y like using other products as 'form factor'. How about:


gaming tablet


also, the pandora image is a very old mockup
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I have a propasal:

How about sorting by release date?

I mean, first Caanoo, then gp2x, then WIZ... It's a bit mixed.

Sorted you would have some kind of handhelds history chart, too. :D