Returning Member Is Confused About New Handhelds

Thanks for the replies everyone. I was about to shell out 250 dollars for a like-new sega nomad before I thought about how awesome the gp32 and it's community is. I'm going to preorder a pandora this weekend. I can't wait!
Some corrections about the Dingoo.
Gruso said:
The Dingoo is a Chinese product unrelated to GPH, and has a different architecture so is not compatible with anything. But it quickly got popular in these parts (with both users and devs) so it got its own subforum and has a nice dev scene happening. It's cheaper than the Wiz but offers less features.
The Dingoo is compatible with the Gemei x760+. They both use the same chips and run Dingux. No word yet if the x760+ suffers the same degign defects as the Dingoo yet. (Like the LCD controll not having the read line hooked up which couse the screen tearing.)

The cons of the x760+ is it's lack of buttons. It has a D-pad 4 actions buttons, reset and a (GameCube Z-trigger like) "Power" button.
Thou that's not realy that much diffrant than the GBA but is bit less than the standure SNESess controls that has become the standure for Handhelds.

P.S. Hmm I need to go back to using Opera with it's built in spell checker. :P
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