Oooo.. F Day News!

no i fgb32 is one program so its just one emu .. then mame would be count as 1000+ emu but im really intrested with what he will come up as the 13 emu too.. perhaps its just a typo ;) but a new unknown emu would be awesome
What about the game that Rlyeh mentions on his forum? Maybe this is the 13th (although not an emulator). Looking forward to this bundle of goodies :D

Fngp32 and Fmame32 :) :) :) but no idea about the 13th. maybe an Ipod emulator, there are very good games on it haha.. :P
Do you think a smoothing filter in fGB32 would be possibe? Then we could play GBC games on the big screen without having to look at pixels of 2mm² or higher... i wold sacrifice a few fps for it.
the fday release will all be seperate fxes right? But rlyehs releasing them all together when they're all 'complete', would it not make more sense to release them as he finishes them.

It breaks my heart to think that there might be a finished version of fPCE sitting on rlyhes harddrive until he finishes all the other emus :(
c0ncept posted on May 5 2005 at 01:45 PM said:
the fday release will all be seperate fxes right? But rlyehs releasing them all together when they're all 'complete', would it not make more sense to release them as he finishes them.

It breaks my heart to think that there might be a finished version of fPCE sitting on rlyhes harddrive until he finishes all the other emus :(

Yeah, and hopefully he has them all backed up :o

I see he will be moving on to the DS. I could never understand what the big deal with the DS is. Small screen and low res, meh, it is like going backwards after the GP32 for emulators. You can't even display the whole screen on that stupid thing for many systems. I am suprised there is not more interest in PSP for emus than DS.

Well it will be great, 2-3 months from now. Can't wait.
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This is great news about the emulators, pity about the wait but i understand Rlyeh has some personal things to take care of.

I never heard of an fBBC emulator so i'm sure you can forget that, he had many different types he was working on but never once mentioned fBBC.

The screenshot of the new GB front end looks great, cant wait to get them some point in the future.

Please tell me someone here is/has beta tested this and it will be worth the wait/better than GPEngine??? pleaaaaasssssse?
The big deal with the DS is that it's a new system and homebrew is possible by simply using a suitable wireless networking card. For most people (including myself) developing for a new system, whether or not the specs are better or worse, is very interesting, as there is so much more new stuff to learn (you can pretty much guarantee people will want to play with Wifi, 3D engine, the maths co-pro, etc...)
hell Squidge what about YOUR new PCE Emu? Hadn't heard anything on that in a while and totally forgot about it!! What's the word dude how's it coming?