Call here for any avid Oolite gamer : I'd like to have someone write an article about it on PandoraLive, any volunteer?
I could probably do it myself if I had the time, but I don't and I would rather trust someone who knows Oolite very well for that.
I already suggested that and milinks said he is working on it
I've been trying for the last couple of weeks to complete a write-up of Oolite for Pandora, that would not only include setting up and running oolite for Pandora, but also the best OXPs to run on the Pandora, taking into account memory limitations, and the current absence of Shaders (which a large number of OXPs use for "eye-candy"). And also OXPs which are good expansions of the Vanilla game, such as the missions, extra equipment AddOns etc. It's brilliant that pandoraLive wants an article on oolite, as it's a unique game, with a massively helpful forum, the most friendly forum "this side of Ridequat!" I would wish to see a very detailed write up, an example of which is on page 7 by Diziet Sma regarding the world of OOlite, that would do the port, the game, the Ooniverise proud.
Unfortunately I Think I'm gonna have to hand over the baton, as I can't give a guarantee of when I would be able to complete it, or to the quality of content. I'm trying to beat a nasty form of cancer at the mo that just keeps giving me a big kick when I don't need it lol! Whereas I certainly have the time
which is why I wanted to do it, it's getting hard to do things like type or remember things, (cue for a joke!
) Which is why it's taken me so long to sort it out ("needs to pay attention" definately on my report card lol!). Not wanting to throw pressure at people, but someone also with a current knowledge of oolite and it's forums (tick), who writes quality OXPs themselves (tick), and has given some excellent examples of detailed explanations of oolite ( another tick!) such as Diziet Sma..... ( oops! Name slip, sorry!) would maybe like to complete this.
But anyway, apologies about not being able to complete this simple task, but I wouldn't want to do a half ass job on something that I think is important, and having to hand it over, but if you knew how long it took me just to write this you'd be agreeing
sorry PtitSeb