One More Dpad On A Gp : The Nes Cross!

Gotta add in my kudos on this so far, very nice! Looking forward to reading about the finished result :)
i'll try with a part of a nintendo's pcb first, since i don't have what i'd need to make one myself :D
not great but it's all i have ready yet :P

anyway each part of the whole inside module (dummy-pcb-rubber-cross) can be exchanged by something else later , so if it doesn't work fine enough, never mind, it can be fixed :)
today's progress:

cutting the old nes PCB, and getting some old ide cable....
the nes PCP is sanded on the future solder points :)


that's gonna be the hard part, but i modchipped my ps2, i'm not scared! :P




there's quite some space under the L button actually.....
OMG ... seriously... I really want to do this mod... actually you know the soldering is not my problem, this part of your mod appears relatively easy for me... I'm more scared to cut the GP2X case. ha ha ha.

Anyway glad it is coming together for you :)
it's alive!

it works :) i just have a little rubber-positioning issue, (the nes contact is 2 sided, not mixed like gp2x's ones or orher modern ones ... ) i'll try to position it with very small small dots of glue or something,

...and it may work in a reliable way in an hour or two :]

yay :]
set up shop man.. looks like you got a few customers, me included..
or course, i don't know where nor how but there will be one, or one button would be missing ;)

anyway now i'm ajusting things to get a good solid touch , the good new is it's possible to close the case, but the back is too tight, i'll have to remove half a millimeter on the little tube that holds the motherboard, i first thougt the wire would be as thick s the soft pad , no, it's more :P
theres going to be a shortage of NES controllers soon... how clear / smooth is the cut around the pad itself? the pad also looks like its a tiny bit too big in comparison to the circle buttons.

how does it feel/work anyway? can you hit diagonals easy and everything ?
Once it's all closed up tight and everything, give a good fighting game a go. Something like Street Fighter or King of Fighters. If you can easily pull off the moves in those games, i'd say it's a total success.

Looks great, though.
unfortunately i'm not into fighting games :D

anyway i have a little problem to fix on my GP (blank screen and green led switching off after half a secone, already happened, probably a bad contact somewhere, i'll look for it... )

then i can finish it properly :)

my server can be down sometimes, but normally you can see everything anytime , if you don't see, wait a bit, if you still don't see, maybe your provider has a problem with my server or something...

i tried to ctrl+f5: thet work for me now , so check again ...
Im getting a Dremmel right now... or after we all know that it works!!! ;)
This is great!
Looks VERY nice. If possible, I'd suggest taking a small pushbutton and with a little bit of modification making a small 'center-push' button below the volume buttons, but that's just me. Either way, if you get this all working completely, I would definitely be willing to send my GP2X, some parts and a bit of money to get the modification done.