Oh, How The Mighty Have Fallen.

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Yeah, but Wii Sports quite clearly isn't similar.
There have been tons of sports games in the past, hundreds upon hundreds. Oh, wait, you mean because of the Wii's gimmicky controller? Oh okay it's completely different then.
How does this make the PS3 revolutionary though? Thats all I was saying if you can read.
If you can read, my response here had to do with you talking about its graphics capability, not whether it's revolutionary. One of the comments I made about it being revolutionary, the Sixaxis controller, you handily decided to not address because you know you're an idiot.
Again, how does this make the PS3 revolutionary? I was, by the way, comparing Live as an online multiplayer system, but obviously I'm a Nintendo fanboy so am not allowed an opinion on MS.
If that's the case, then how can you possibly know that the Live service is better than what Sony is going to do? You don't have a PS3 nor experience with its online gaming network, nor can you recognise that MS has had more than 5 years to tune their Live service.
First of all, way to be pedantic. Lets go round the internet picking up on everything everyone says and pretend to be clever. I am sure loads of people watch UMDs too.
Secondly, I didnt say that about the DVD a decade ago.
Thirdly, the DVD was much more entrenched as a consumer format when the PS2 was launched than the bluray will ever be.
Thirdly, current generation games dont NEED that much space. Give developers space and they will use it, doesnt mean they need it or that the game would be impossible to make without it.
You have two "thirdly,"s, and I'm supposed to carry on a coherent argument with you? Hahahaha. Now,
picking up on everything everyone says
, I believe that's the general basis of an argument. Something you can't grasp, nor win at.

Your "secondly" point doesn't matter; there you go again trying to speak for everyone like your opinion is worth anything alone.

Your first "thirdly" point is equally as ludicrous. Bluray just came out as a format, and by this time in DVD's lifetime, it was no more entrenched than Bluray is currently. Believe me, bluray will be what DVD is now, along with competition from HD-DVD.

Your second "thirdly" is possibly the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. If that was true, at all, then why did systems upgrade from cartridges to CDs? There were plenty of games already out in cartridge form, so what's the point, right? Or better yet, why did we go from CDs to DVDs? Clearly you must have a problem with that as well? The playstation, saturn, and dreamcast had a collective library of over 2,000 games, why change from the CD format? Your argument has absolutely no merit whatsoever, most likely because you're a retard. The fact of the matter is that the extra space makes developers lives' easier and allows for richer content and more localisations on one disc, among many other benefits. But you don't have a mind that works in a business manner (or at all, for that matter), so of course you don't understand that point.
The PSP is just a GBA with better graphics, more buttons, and a shit movie format that NOBODY wants. ie- it's not revolutionary. Just the established principles of the console arena applied yet again.
Yes, it's a complete rehash. Except for the expansive multimedia capabilities. And the Wi-Fi. And the truly remarkable graphics, whether you like to acknowledge them or not. But yeah, it's just a better GBA :rolleyes:
Because it changes the very way we think about gaming. It goes against the established principles of the console world which state that better graphics, a couple more buttons, and a ridiculous price tag are the way forward. It has attempted to create something different, never seen before, and attract whole new audiences to gaming.
LOL I'm not even touching this. Any outside observer can see how fanboyish of a statement that is. You could've said the exact same things, but in a more normal way, but no, you chose to be a wiitard with it.

Epicenter said:
It's little wonder why people like me, who aren't satisfied with Metal Gear Solid 19 and Final Fantasy 62 end up buying Nintendo's systems...
I know, right! I'm looking forward to getting a Wii so I can play Mario 27, Zelda 35, and Metroid 12, personally! :D
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iignotus- I am not going to respond to everything you have said.

But, be honest. You know, as well as I do, that Bluray is not necessary for this generation of consoles. It might be nice for developers but I am sure they can cope with smaller capacities. They seem to manage fine on the PC and 360. This generation.

Sony has included Bluray so it can use it's Playstation brand in a format war. It's as simple as that.

And, I really don't know how you can be so confident about the success of Bluray as a format anyway. Come back in five years time, and we'll see if bluray is anywhere near coming close to the DVD. It won't be. Its another shitty format that Sony insists on throwing at consumers. I will never again purchase video data on an optical disk. That's a promise, and there will be more and more like me in the future. Bluray is the next SACD.

The Wii does have the potential to change the way we think about gaming. It will bring non-gamers into gaming. The PS3 is just more of the same, but at a stupid cost, and with a format that not many people want, and which may even fail completely, UMD style. If you want more of the same buy a 360.

Its the games of the Japanese developers which will make the PS3 a success. A success that Sony doesn't deserve.

iignotus posted on Dec 1 2006 at 06:15 PM said:
picking up on everything everyone says
, I believe that's the general basis of an argument. Something you can't grasp, nor win at.
You may think that being pedantic is the basis of good debating, but it is not. It really is not.
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declaration posted on Dec 1 2006 at 09:59 AM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 1 2006 at 02:44 PM said:
Glad to hear that. You're such a great individual!

Every decent economy thrives on people who are "scum" like me. Laws of supply and demand contribute to just how well and economy does. I'm merely supplying a product that Nintendo isnt supplying enough of to meet general demand. As a proud ebay seller, I DO NOT rip people off and take their money, they bid on MY item. They are the fucking idiots.

I have to leave now, but there are other things I want to comment on.
Console launches don't work on strict supply + demand principles. If they did, the shops themselves would be selling at demand prices. Nintendo would be selling at demand prices. As it is, Nintendo has made a conscious decision to make a console "affordable". You are fucking that up for your own gain. Congratulations.

Its the same with ticket sales. Bands often sell tickets at below demand prices. An artists decision to do so should be respected. But it isn't and idiots like you take advantage of this.

And it's not only those who buy from you that you are ripping off- it's also the poor who cant afford to spend ages queuing for a console, and who are priced out of the said console which was designed to be affordable. Nurses who want to get their kids a Wii for Xmas, but can't because they are all being bought up by lawyers on ebay from scum like you.

Its not justifiable using some half-arsed liberal economic arguments- Many things in this world should not be sold at demand prices. I bet you would buy and sell heart transplants on ebay if you could. Because you are scum.
Comparing the sale of human parts and a video game console is probably the worst analogy I've ever seen. Keep your ignorant holier than thou attitude. Meanwhile, I got my wii and games free of charge, and according to you, a 5000" HDTV. Sweet!

I wont even bother replying to you anymore. Stupid fanboys arent worth my time.
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 1 2006 at 08:10 PM said:
declaration posted on Dec 1 2006 at 09:59 AM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 1 2006 at 02:44 PM said:
Glad to hear that. You're such a great individual!

Every decent economy thrives on people who are "scum" like me. Laws of supply and demand contribute to just how well and economy does. I'm merely supplying a product that Nintendo isnt supplying enough of to meet general demand. As a proud ebay seller, I DO NOT rip people off and take their money, they bid on MY item. They are the fucking idiots.

I have to leave now, but there are other things I want to comment on.
Console launches don't work on strict supply + demand principles. If they did, the shops themselves would be selling at demand prices. Nintendo would be selling at demand prices. As it is, Nintendo has made a conscious decision to make a console "affordable". You are fucking that up for your own gain. Congratulations.

Its the same with ticket sales. Bands often sell tickets at below demand prices. An artists decision to do so should be respected. But it isn't and idiots like you take advantage of this.

And it's not only those who buy from you that you are ripping off- it's also the poor who cant afford to spend ages queuing for a console, and who are priced out of the said console which was designed to be affordable. Nurses who want to get their kids a Wii for Xmas, but can't because they are all being bought up by lawyers on ebay from scum like you.

Its not justifiable using some half-arsed liberal economic arguments- Many things in this world should not be sold at demand prices. I bet you would buy and sell heart transplants on ebay if you could. Because you are scum.
I wont even bother replying to you anymore. Stupid fanboys arent worth my time.

You and Angel (and look how he turned out) go around calling anyone who disagrees with you fanboys. I'm a fanboy for not liking scum ebay scalpers now? In the old thread you did this in, other posters came in and said you were the biggest fanboy in the thread.

Also, if criticising Sony's new console is fanboyish, then I'm a fanboy: a 360, Wii and PC fanboy! yeah, great.

I must ignore five blatant purposefully inflammatory digs at Nintendo from you for every one that I pick up on.
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declaration posted on Dec 1 2006 at 03:18 PM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 1 2006 at 08:10 PM said:
declaration posted on Dec 1 2006 at 09:59 AM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 1 2006 at 02:44 PM said:
Glad to hear that. You're such a great individual!

Every decent economy thrives on people who are "scum" like me. Laws of supply and demand contribute to just how well and economy does. I'm merely supplying a product that Nintendo isnt supplying enough of to meet general demand. As a proud ebay seller, I DO NOT rip people off and take their money, they bid on MY item. They are the fucking idiots.

I have to leave now, but there are other things I want to comment on.
Console launches don't work on strict supply + demand principles. If they did, the shops themselves would be selling at demand prices. Nintendo would be selling at demand prices. As it is, Nintendo has made a conscious decision to make a console "affordable". You are fucking that up for your own gain. Congratulations.

Its the same with ticket sales. Bands often sell tickets at below demand prices. An artists decision to do so should be respected. But it isn't and idiots like you take advantage of this.

And it's not only those who buy from you that you are ripping off- it's also the poor who cant afford to spend ages queuing for a console, and who are priced out of the said console which was designed to be affordable. Nurses who want to get their kids a Wii for Xmas, but can't because they are all being bought up by lawyers on ebay from scum like you.

Its not justifiable using some half-arsed liberal economic arguments- Many things in this world should not be sold at demand prices. I bet you would buy and sell heart transplants on ebay if you could. Because you are scum.
I wont even bother replying to you anymore. Stupid fanboys arent worth my time.

You and Angel (and look how he turned out) go around calling anyone who disagrees with you fanboys. I'm a fanboy for not liking scum ebay scalpers now? In the old thread you did this in, other posters came in and said you were the biggest fanboy in the thread.

Also, if criticising Sony's new console is fanboyish, then I'm a fanboy: a 360, Wii and PC fanboy! yeah, great.

I must ignore five blatant purposefully inflammatory digs at Nintendo from you for every one that I pick up on.

You might as well stop now. It's quite obvious their not going to change their views on anything. Shikaku put it simply that no one's going to be convinced. Don't pursue it.
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declaration posted on Dec 1 2006 at 03:18 PM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 1 2006 at 08:10 PM said:
declaration posted on Dec 1 2006 at 09:59 AM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 1 2006 at 02:44 PM said:
Glad to hear that. You're such a great individual!

Every decent economy thrives on people who are "scum" like me. Laws of supply and demand contribute to just how well and economy does. I'm merely supplying a product that Nintendo isnt supplying enough of to meet general demand. As a proud ebay seller, I DO NOT rip people off and take their money, they bid on MY item. They are the fucking idiots.

I have to leave now, but there are other things I want to comment on.
Console launches don't work on strict supply + demand principles. If they did, the shops themselves would be selling at demand prices. Nintendo would be selling at demand prices. As it is, Nintendo has made a conscious decision to make a console "affordable". You are fucking that up for your own gain. Congratulations.

Its the same with ticket sales. Bands often sell tickets at below demand prices. An artists decision to do so should be respected. But it isn't and idiots like you take advantage of this.

And it's not only those who buy from you that you are ripping off- it's also the poor who cant afford to spend ages queuing for a console, and who are priced out of the said console which was designed to be affordable. Nurses who want to get their kids a Wii for Xmas, but can't because they are all being bought up by lawyers on ebay from scum like you.

Its not justifiable using some half-arsed liberal economic arguments- Many things in this world should not be sold at demand prices. I bet you would buy and sell heart transplants on ebay if you could. Because you are scum.
I wont even bother replying to you anymore. Stupid fanboys arent worth my time.

You and Angel (and look how he turned out) go around calling anyone who disagrees with you fanboys. I'm a fanboy for not liking scum ebay scalpers now? In the old thread you did this in, other posters came in and said you were the biggest fanboy in the thread.

Also, if criticising Sony's new console is fanboyish, then I'm a fanboy: a 360, Wii and PC fanboy! yeah, great.

I must ignore five blatant purposefully inflammatory digs at Nintendo from you for every one that I pick up on.
What "inflammatory digs at Nintendo" are you refering to? I call you a fanboy because everytime I even mention Nintendo, you come flying in with comments on how I'm a horrible human being. Sorry that you feel that way, but in all honesty, I couldnt care any less than I do now.

Notice how all the other wiitards like grahf came in and wished me "coal for Christmas" and other things? Clearly they are better than I am, because wishing other people negative things is their job to do, right? You've already stated that you disaprove of what I'm doing. Good for you. This thread was about pokeparadox's ignorant statement. He absolutely DID say PS3 games were unplayable, and then I'm the one who needs to "back off". And then after all that, he says that he didn't phrase it properly. Yeah, OK.

People who I call fanboys exhibit fanboy-like behavior. I've said on numerous occasions that the wii is somewhat fun- but wii sports is getting boring. I think the gimmick will wear off very soon.

You however, don't give credit to Sony for anything. You refuse to acknowledge anything about them that is positive. And you constatly defend Nintendo and jump on people who don't think they way YOU do.

I'm proud to say I'm not like Angel. Notice I haven't made any threads about how the 360 is better than everything else? Notice how I give credit to Ninty for coming up with a decent idea?

We've both established our opinions here I think. Time to get back on topic? :)
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deadlychicken22 posted on Dec 1 2006 at 12:30 PM said:
1. PS3
graphics - They are great. They look about as good as the current xbox360 stuff, maybe a little better, and that has had a year longer to be worked on.

Actually none of the PS3 games that I have seen look any better than 360 ones. Actually some look worse. And I am talking launch titles of 360 vs launch of PS3. Kameo, Perfect Dark, Condemned, 3 launch titles on the 360 look better than the launch titles on the PS3. The textures on Resistance look pretty low-res and blurry. The textures on the above mentioned 360 launch games all look much sharper. Sports games look the same on both. I do own both systems and have compared. It is known that the GPU in the 360 is superior, and there is more RAM available for graphics 512 meg vs 256 meg on the PS3.

The PS3 has an edge in CPU power, and the 360 for graphics. So in the end they are pretty even. Well that is if you don't factor in the hype. With hype the PS3 pwns all :p
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 1 2006 at 03:32 PM said:
Notice how all the other wiitards like grahf came in and wished me "coal for Christmas" and other things? Clearly they are better than I am, because wishing other people negative things is their job to do, right?

And that makes me a Wiitard how? because i said im buying one at some other point? I wished you coal for christmas because its a dick move to brag about scalping. Whether it be tickets, Wiis, PS3s, or whatever. Of course everyone does it, but they keep it to themselves because they usually realise that everyone else looks down upon it.
Try not to be such a crybaby, its the internet. :D
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grahf posted on Dec 1 2006 at 03:45 PM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 1 2006 at 03:32 PM said:
Notice how all the other wiitards like grahf came in and wished me "coal for Christmas" and other things? Clearly they are better than I am, because wishing other people negative things is their job to do, right?

And that makes me a Wiitard how? because i said im buying one at some other point? I wished you coal for christmas because its a dick move to brag about scalping. Whether it be tickets, Wiis, PS3s, or whatever. Of course everyone does it, but they keep it to themselves because they usually realise that everyone else looks down upon it.
Try not to be such a crybaby, its the internet. :D
Nobody is crying, I'm pointing something out ;)
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 1 2006 at 08:32 PM said:
This thread was about pokeparadox's ignorant statement. He absolutely DID say PS3 games were unplayable, and then I'm the one who needs to "back off". And then after all that, he says that he didn't phrase it properly. Yeah, OK.
Yeah you need to back off! You are bringing things up again. Calling me ignorant, again with putting words in my mouth. Just leave it and stop with the provocation.
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PokeParadox posted on Dec 1 2006 at 03:47 PM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 1 2006 at 08:32 PM said:
This thread was about pokeparadox's ignorant statement. He absolutely DID say PS3 games were unplayable, and then I'm the one who needs to "back off". And then after all that, he says that he didn't phrase it properly. Yeah, OK.
Yeah you need to back off! You are bringing things up again. Calling me ignorant, again with putting words in my mouth. Just leave it and stop with the provocation.
I'm not bringing things up again, the topic was derailed to begin with.

And once again you take it as a personal attack. I said your statement was ignorant, not YOU.
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Well, i seem to have a knack for creating epic topics!

DCGM & Iignotious, You need to either learn to debate without insulting your opponent and using low-blows, or you need to shut the fuck up and leave. Plain and simple.

On the topic of the Blue-ray, Comparing it to the CD VS Cartridge is just fucking retarded. There will never, in the next decade be a need for 50 GB of storage space for a game. Unless that game is a living breathing world, or a 48 hour cg cutscene with no interaction, there is simply a point where you do not need any more storage. Whomever said it is right, Blue-ray will just be an excuse for developers to be lazy. Resistance = 17GB? WTF? It doesn't look any better than FEAR on my comp, and FEAR is only 4GB if that.

On the topic of the new consoles: the 360 has a brand-new controller, the Wii has revolutionary internet & control designs, and the PS3 is using the Same controller that the the PS1 launched with, with minor enhancements. Enough said.

On this whole topic. I started it to point out the rediculous overhead that game designers are needlessly facing in the industry today, and since i was in a drug-induced haze i guess i didn't point that out well. But since some people have decided to turn it into a pointless fucking flame war, and act like immature retards, could i humbly ask a mod to close this topic? It's obviously lost whatever value it had. ;)
Azalin posted on Dec 1 2006 at 03:57 PM said:
Well, i seem to have a knack for creating epic topics!

DCGM & Iignotious, You need to either learn to debate without insulting your opponent and using low-blows, or you need to shut the fuck up and leave. Plain and simple.

On the topic of the Blue-ray, Comparing it to the CD VS Cartridge is just fucking retarded. There will never, in the next decade be a need for 50 GB of storage space for a game. Unless that game is a living breathing world, or a 48 hour cg cutscene with no interaction, there is simply a point where you do not need any more storage. Whomever said it is right, Blue-ray will just be an excuse for developers to be lazy. Resistance = 17GB? WTF? It doesn't look any better than FEAR on my comp, and FEAR is only 4GB if that.

On the topic of the new consoles: the 360 has a brand-new controller, the Wii has revolutionary internet & control designs, and the PS3 is using the Same controller that the the PS1 launched with, with minor enhancements. Enough said.

On this whole topic. I started it to point out the rediculous overhead that game designers are needlessly facing in the industry today, and since i was in a drug-induced haze i guess i didn't point that out well. But since some people have decided to turn it into a pointless fucking flame war, and act like immature retards, could i humbly ask a mod to close this topic? It's obviously lost whatever value it had. ;)
Your thread had no value to begin with. Don't kid yourself.

Before you ever have the nerve to talk to me like the way you just did, please, read my signature. It truly highlights just how much of a fool you are. Oh no! I insulted you! It's true.

Monitor your own thread before talking out of your asshole. I pointed out the statement from pokeparadox. From there it all went down hill, ala declaration, who was THE FIRST PERSON to take a personal stab at someone. Saying someone's comment was ignorant is not a personal stab. Here's a prime example of what you would call a personal blow:

Assalin, you are a moron.

There, now you can differentiate between a normal debate and an argument with personal stabs.

Next time you reply, please fix your horrid spelling. Thanks in advance.
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 1 2006 at 01:10 PM said:
Azalin posted on Dec 1 2006 at 03:57 PM said:
Well, i seem to have a knack for creating epic topics!

DCGM & Iignotious, You need to either learn to debate without insulting your opponent and using low-blows, or you need to shut the fuck up and leave. Plain and simple.

On the topic of the Blue-ray, Comparing it to the CD VS Cartridge is just fucking retarded. There will never, in the next decade be a need for 50 GB of storage space for a game. Unless that game is a living breathing world, or a 48 hour cg cutscene with no interaction, there is simply a point where you do not need any more storage. Whomever said it is right, Blue-ray will just be an excuse for developers to be lazy. Resistance = 17GB? WTF? It doesn't look any better than FEAR on my comp, and FEAR is only 4GB if that.

On the topic of the new consoles: the 360 has a brand-new controller, the Wii has revolutionary internet & control designs, and the PS3 is using the Same controller that the the PS1 launched with, with minor enhancements. Enough said.

On this whole topic. I started it to point out the rediculous overhead that game designers are needlessly facing in the industry today, and since i was in a drug-induced haze i guess i didn't point that out well. But since some people have decided to turn it into a pointless fucking flame war, and act like immature retards, could i humbly ask a mod to close this topic? It's obviously lost whatever value it had. ;)
Your thread had no value to begin with. Don't kid yourself.

Before you ever have the nerve to talk to me like the way you just did, please, read my signature. It truly highlights just how much of a fool you are. Oh no! I insulted you! It's true.

Monitor your own thread before talking out of your asshole. I pointed out the statement from pokeparadox. From there it all went down hill, ala declaration, who was THE FIRST PERSON to take a personal stab at someone. Saying someone's comment was ignorant is not a personal stab. Here's a prime example of what you would call a personal blow:

Assalin, you are a moron.

There, now you can differentiate between a normal debate and an argument with personal stabs.

Next time you reply, please fix your horrid spelling. Thanks in advance.

I'll monitor my threads as much as i humanely can, and after spending the past 30 minutes reading through this, i posted the conclusions i came to. I find it amusing that you sig'd an explanation of my brothers actions, but I actually don't give a flying F**** what you say anymore, since you apparently can't reply to anything i say without taking at least one personal stab at me, or anyone else for that matter. I've asked you once already, either learn to debate with proven facts or get out of my thread.

I also still want this locked, if no one can be nice.
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I own a PS1. The PS3 controller is no different in design, it's merely more refined. There's nothing "Revolutionary" about it, merely "Evolutionary". And mildly Evolutionary at that.

My mistake, i should explain better. I meant that the contoller's basic design has not changed at all since the PS1. Analogue and then digital thumbsticks were cool, but the PS1 eventually had those, and then the GC, Dreamcast, and PS2 all had them. the basic "outline" of the controller has never changed.
Assholin: You're a huge fucking retard who doesn't know how to type and constantly lies to cover his ass. Now that's a personal attack, albeit a very true one. Now you know the difference between the two.

On the topic of the Blue-ray, Comparing it to the CD VS Cartridge is just fucking retarded. There will never, in the next decade be a need for 50 GB of storage space for a game.
I trust your expertise because I know how long you've been a video game developer and how seriously you take your job :lol: p.s, what's that about not resorting to personal attacks which you just did? What about having respect for my opinion?! Dipshit.
Resistance = 17GB? WTF? It doesn't look any better than FEAR on my comp, and FEAR is only 4GB if that.
Yeah, I bet FEAR has a bunch of video and textures for a 1080i display too right? You can't even grasp the math of a leap from standard definition to high definition. Why do you think MS just came out with an HD-DVD attachment for the x360? Again, you prove your knowledge in the field (which is none).
On the topic of the new consoles: the 360 has a brand-new controller, the Wii has revolutionary internet & control designs, and the PS3 is using the Same controller that the the PS1 launched with, with minor enhancements. Enough said.
LOL oh dear god, I can't even stop myself from laughing :lol: :lol: :lol: But I must, if just for a second, to prove your idiocy. The 360 has a brand-new controller? It's the same idea as the redesign of the original Xbox's controller, just better thought-out. The Wii's controller is revolutionary, and that's about all that's revolutionary about the system. Now what's this you've managed to spew out, "the PS3 is using the Same controller that the the PS1 launched with"??? Haha do you even hear (or see) the things you say in your mind before you hit "Add Reply"? Do you even know what a fucking Dual Shock controller is? Your stupidity and ignorance baffles me.
On this whole topic. I started it to point out the rediculous overhead that game designers are needlessly facing in the industry today, and since i was in a drug-induced haze i guess i didn't point that out well.
You're such a badass! Don't let your mommy catch you with that extra-strength Theraflu!
But since some people have decided to turn it into a pointless fucking flame war, and act like immature retards, could i humbly ask a mod to close this topic? It's obviously lost whatever value it had. ;)
Ignoring the fact that you're only saying this because you know how me and dcgm are going to verbally rape you by pointing out all of the many flaws in your 'argument', I'd like to go one better and ask any mod reading this to do us all a favour and immediately close any topic Assholin makes before someone has a chance to reply to it. Thanks :D
I love how assalin talks about evolution. Something that declaration has said right before him. Think for yourself for a change.

Here's a prime example of evolution:


Wow!! Good job earning your third (and probably not final) nickname.
- baselessly insulting other members

- being a jerk

- mindless arguments/flamewars

This thread has now violated all of those, especially the first two. If a mod could please lock this, and warn certain people to be less jerkoff-ish...
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