Error report:
Chapter: V. New Software Install
Section: Where DON'T .PND files go ?
pnd files are indeed looked for in a SD - Cards root directory (skeezix built it in to appease craig)
I would recommand adding a small warning in the "Installing Angstrom packages" section not to do an "opkg upgrade" (or was it "update" ?) as it could leed to a messed up fimware.
Some generel note:
Maybe narrow the scope a little, a static document like a pdf/odt file tends to get outdated after a while - that were wikis could come in handy (they can get outdated too, but it is easier for other people to update them, and they are usually in a fixed location).
Don't get me wrong, its really good what you are doing and I do not want to lower your motivation, but I think a document like this should me made so it could be printed on paper and included in the package, so in an ideal situation a new user should just need your document and the repo to get him started. If a user wants more he should be encouraged to use the wiki / the boards - where he will end up anyway if a problem occurs.
Having a situation where a user opens up a "help" thread stating the he has done it the way it was describes in the unofficial user manual and other users needing to ask what the version of the document is, and where he downloaded it - could also leed to some confusion.
As an example:
Having a step by step guide on how to update the firmware is essential and should be definately in there but a guide on how to run the firmware from an SC-Card should be left online.