Nvidia's Project Shield - 'Android & Tegra 4 inside'

I've worked at Ford to many years to buy the first run of any new model.  
I called Nvidia last night and they stated that they cannot tell me when exactly the Shield will be released. I was told the end of the month was not a certainty and the reason for the delay was a malfunction of the keypad on the produced units.

My order is cancelled and I am awaiting email confirmation. :(
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Keypad? I guess they mean the button pads?
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Keypad? I guess they mean the button pads?
Yes I suppose since the person I was conversing with was from the Philippines the semantics were a bit off  ;)

However the gist of  the conversation was the same.

Again...they could not give me the date. :huh:

I am not anti Shield and I think on paper and conceptually it reads and looks great but since this is Nvidia's first foray in producing a gaming machine I am going to wait.

Plus I was a bit ticked off when they stated they would not charge me until the unit was shipped and I was fully charged on my last month's credit statement. The customer service dept. gave me a bit of a tussle regarding that fact $$. :angry:   <_<
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Although its not a pricey part, it is going to be costly (labour wise) and time consuming to open them all up and replace the button pads.
Although its not a pricey part, it is going to be costly (labour wise) and time consuming to open them all up and replace the button pads.
Well after the $$ bickering and the uncertainty of a shipping date I just received bad vibes about the whole process. Maybe I am wrong about this. I can always purchase one at a later time either way.

Yes I agree it will be a bit of a set back.
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That's good to hear, not that it was bad in the first place from what I was told and could see, but even at the level it was at wasn't good enough.

These should end up being really really good.
Any word on delivery date for this yet?
After calling them on the phone several times the answer was 'we really do not know yet'. :huh:

them = digital river
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Just got this email:

Hi Jonathan,

We want to thank you for your patience and for sticking with us through the shipment delay of your SHIELD. We have great news to share with you - your SHIELD will ship on July 31st.

Our goal has always been to ship the perfect product, so we made sure we submitted SHIELD to the most rigorous mechanical testing and quality assurance standards in the industry. We built SHIELD because we love playing games, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

SHIELD team 
Just got this email:

Hi Jonathan,
We want to thank you for your patience and for sticking with us through the shipment delay of your SHIELD. We have great news to share with you - your SHIELD will ship on July 31st.

Our goal has always been to ship the perfect product, so we made sure we submitted SHIELD to the most rigorous mechanical testing and quality assurance standards in the industry. We built SHIELD because we love playing games, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

SHIELD team 
Great news.
I was just heading here to post the new release date, but I figured someone who got the actual email would beat me to it.

I'm really looking forward to this device, I just wish it wasn't so ass UGLY :p  This really looks like MS designed it. It even has their ass "Green" Original Xbox color on the system and box, and it even looks like a small version of that console.

I doubt this system will last long enough to get a cool redesign, but I'm really looking forward to emu performance, so I may be getting one sooner than later. I'm gonna sell my iPod touch asap, and use those funds as a down payment. That was the worst gaming system purchase I ever made(Damn, Apple sucks) ;)

I was just heading here to post the new release date, but I figured someone who got the actual email would beat me to it.

I'm really looking forward to this device, I just wish it wasn't so ass UGLY :p  This really looks like MS designed it. It even has their ass "Green" Original Xbox color on the system and box, and it even looks like a small version of that console.

I doubt this system will last long enough to get a cool redesign, but I'm really looking forward to emu performance, so I may be getting one sooner than later. I'm gonna sell my iPod touch asap, and use those funds as a down payment. That was the worst gaming system purchase I ever made(Damn, Apple sucks) ;)

I have to keep my Ipod Touch as it powers a lot of the game machines I have built, otherwise Id probably sell it and get something else.

I don't think the Shield is Ugly really, When it came ou,t it reminded me of something Alien Ware would design.  In the end though, the only thing that really counts is whether its comfortable to use. I'll take comfort over looks any day (for a game console anyway ;p)
They are making removable lids..I am getting the carbon fiber lid. I think that makes it look somewhat better.

I think there are 2 or 3 to choose from.
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I was just heading here to post the new release date, but I figured someone who got the actual email would beat me to it.

I'm really looking forward to this device, I just wish it wasn't so ass UGLY :p  This really looks like MS designed it. It even has their ass "Green" Original Xbox color on the system and box, and it even looks like a small version of that console.

I doubt this system will last long enough to get a cool redesign, but I'm really looking forward to emu performance, so I may be getting one sooner than later. I'm gonna sell my iPod touch asap, and use those funds as a down payment. That was the worst gaming system purchase I ever made(Damn, Apple sucks) ;)

I don't think the Shield is Ugly really, When it came ou,t it reminded me of something Alien Ware would design.  In the end though, the only thing that really counts is whether its comfortable to use. I'll take comfort over looks any day (for a game console anyway ;p)
Yeah, "Ass ugly" might have been a bad choice of words. I think I'm more put of by the color scheme than anything, as the silver areas look like a cheap plastic, that is supposed to mimic a metal finish. Then the black and green is just about the 2 worst colors I think you can put together. The actual form factor does look pretty appealing actually. I really hope they will offer some cool replacement shields for the top that have some cool graphics/themes.


They are making removable lids..I am getting the carbon fiber lid. I think that makes it look somewhat better.

I think there are 2 or 3 to choose from.
This feature I don't quite understand.  I know it is a heck of a lot cheaper than releasing different colored units but it looks like they come off way too easy.  I'm sure there will be special decals to stick to the lighter colored ones.  I'd like to see a nVidia green one personally, they should have gone with that as default.
They are making removable lids..I am getting the carbon fiber lid. I think that makes it look somewhat better.

I think there are 2 or 3 to choose from.
This feature I don't quite understand.  I know it is a heck of a lot cheaper than releasing different colored units but it looks like they come off way too easy.  I'm sure there will be special decals to stick to the lighter colored ones.  I'd like to see a nVidia green one personally, they should have gone with that as default.
They are actually held in place by magnets. So unless you are super rough with your unit, it should be fine. And if it does come of, snap it right back on :lol:

Borrowed idea from the Ouya with their magnetic front plates on the controller.  Nvidia got something for their investment in Ouya
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