I didn't know how ports work back then. remember, not everybody on this forum has extensive programming knowledge, so don't pretend that you weren't a n00b at one point.
According to Wikipedia your a newb not a n00b "A newb is merely new to something (usually the person also wants to learn more), which is forgivable, while a n00b continues to engage in "newb" behaviors long after they should know better (and usually refuses to learn)" Guess that makes me a newb too
I had an idea a while back that you could stick a WiFi web cam onto the front of a remote control car/plane/helicopter/airship, and either make a WiFi control module for the vehicle, or get a USB R/C transmitter (if such a thing exists), and the Pandora would become a pretty cool R/C Controller. Probably a lot cheaper than this thing too.
May be building a few Pandora controlled R/C cars, fitted with cameras and remotely triggered paintball guns, running around a model village, would be easier than making a Pandora multiplayer FPS (although admittedly not quite as convenient to play, and with more cleaning involved..........)