Release Not Pacman


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
So, Here is "Not Pacman", a game from

It's a Pacman where the pacman and the ghost are controlled sollely by the Gravity, you interaction is to rotate the maze. ​
A video of the gameplay on the OpenPandora by Ingoreis.
It's a game developed in Love. So the port is the port of the Love engine (v0.7.2 here), the Notpacman is simply the original love file.
The build 01 has been entirely ported during GamesCom 2013 ;)
It use the awesome libGL from lunixbochs (I had to disable the glBlendEquation), and I added some quicke and dirty fullscreen+downscale of screen res. Still, it seems some graphics are missing, but they are non-essiential here.
History log

Build 06


  • Improved C4A using newest fusilli client: only best scores of the session will be send
Build 05


  • Updated Fusilli client from Ziz, with fixed cached upload for large cache
Build 04


  • Using Fusilli client from Ziz, with cached upload
Build 03

  • Fixed C4A Support (when time is not a rounded second)
Build 02

  • C4A Support! Eat everything as fast as you can.
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Some automatic downscaling if asked screenres is to high
If you want to try some other love game, here is a tgz of the love engine and all the libs: 
And FYI, the love engine games will write their data in the XG_DATA_HOME defined path.


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Lol, this game is too hard :D   but it's nice, thanks ptitseb. Do you know if there is a way to have à launcher for love engine's game? i remember we used gmenu2x selector browser on dingoo to choose the game, it was easier since there's no need to change the game itself to make it run on different device that support love.
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Lol, this game is too hard :D   but it's nice, thanks ptitseb. Do you know if there is a way to have à launcher for love engine's game? i remember we used gmenu2x selector browser on dingoo to choose the game, it was easier since there's no need to change the game itself to make it run on different device that support love.
That shouldn't be big problem. I can do some zenity code to let find a file and launch it.

It's löve 0.7.2, is that ok for the games you want to try?
Nice :) You're right it's pretty hard to find a comptatible game i got crash too and various error. But some game run well and zenity is fine, i'll continue trying, thanks!
I think I'm better at this one than at the regular game, actually.
Yes, I'm thinking of that, but I have to understand the Hiscore ranking, because there is score, and time to beat the game...
I think they write their hiscores in a textfile $HOME/.local/share/love/not_pacman (if that helps).

As discussed earlier in this thread, the engine still has some bugs and games like not tetris 2 don't work, have you made progress with it?
Yes, I'm thinking of that, but I have to understand the Hiscore ranking, because there is score, and time to beat the game...
I think they write their hiscores in a textfile $HOME/.local/share/love/not_pacman (if that helps).

As discussed earlier in this thread, the engine still has some bugs and games like not tetris 2 don't work, have you made progress with it?
The file is redirected in appdata/notpacman/home/love/not_pacman/hiscoreA

Problem is not the file, but the rules to define #1

here is an example of a hiscorefileA. It's the one on my Pandora, where my kids have beaten the game (score = 244), but are fighting with time (lower is better), but where I have a lower score.


So basicaly, I need 2 rules: Higher score, but for same score, lower time. I think it need some c4a upgrade.

About other games, I'm still stuc with löve 0.8.0, where it just hang at boot.lua on... something, I don't know yet...