Serial Porter
So, Here is "Not Pacman", a game from
It's a Pacman where the pacman and the ghost are controlled sollely by the Gravity, you interaction is to rotate the maze.

It's a Pacman where the pacman and the ghost are controlled sollely by the Gravity, you interaction is to rotate the maze.
A video of the gameplay on the OpenPandora by Ingoreis.
It's a game developed in Love. So the port is the port of the Love engine (v0.7.2 here), the Notpacman is simply the original love file.
The build 01 has been entirely ported during GamesCom 2013
It use the awesome libGL from lunixbochs (I had to disable the glBlendEquation), and I added some quicke and dirty fullscreen+downscale of screen res. Still, it seems some graphics are missing, but they are non-essiential here.
History log
Build 06
- Improved C4A using newest fusilli client: only best scores of the session will be send
- Updated Fusilli client from Ziz, with fixed cached upload for large cache
- Using Fusilli client from Ziz, with cached upload
- Fixed C4A Support (when time is not a rounded second)
- C4A Support! Eat everything as fast as you can.
- Initial build
- Some automatic downscaling if asked screenres is to high
And FYI, the love engine games will write their data in the XG_DATA_HOME defined path.
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