No posts in here for a while


Oct 31, 2003
Hertfordshire in England
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No posts in here for a while now. Has everyone lost interest in CaSTaway? It's probably my most used emulator at the moment. Currently playing Super Cars 2, Space Crusade, IK+ and the occasional bout of Turrican and Another World (when I can be bothered to sit through the huuuuuuuge intro).

I had a bloodthirsty hack and slash game on my Amiga called Moonstone. Does anyone know if it ever got released on the Atari ST?
Moonstone is such a great game, but no there is no Atari ST version :(

As for Another World, you don't have to sit through the intro you know ;)

Bring up the virtual keyboard and select C, this brings up the code screen, EDJI is the code for the start of the game.
I only tried the castaway emu yesterday for the first time and it rocks! (its the reason im on the net at 10 past nine to get a few images :)). It does seem to crash on quite a few games tho... and it deleted the first game i managed to get working for some reason. Plus sometimes the mouse just locks into the middle and i cant move it. But things like rainbow island work perfectly :).
I use Castaway a lot, but better sample support ,a speed throttle and perhaps STE support would be very nice. :) Perhaps we should make a donation to speed up development :)
Currently playing Super Cars 2, Space Crusade, IK+ and the occasional bout of Turrican and Another World (when I can be bothered to sit through the huuuuuuuge intro).
I've been playing super cars 2, it's a great game but oh so dark!! if you use the gamma adjustment it makes the screen look grey.

but still- a great game.

Have you tried 'slicks' on the c64, super sprint type thing but really playable
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Moonstone is such a great game, but no there is no Atari ST version :(

As for Another World, you don't have to sit through the intro you know ;)

Bring up the virtual keyboard and select C, this brings up the code screen, EDJI is the code for the start of the game.
Whoops didn't think of that. Thanks for the tip (I feel somewhat foolish now :blink: ). Shame about Moonstone - I used to love playing that game (fondly remembers buying the sword of sharpness and killing and pillaging the other knights).

I agree with Frolik with regards to the darkness on Super Cars 2 - it is a bit of a pain. I love driving games with missiles etc (Mario Kart on the Snes is my favourite). I'll hunt for 'Slicks' when I get home from work. Super Sprint was cool (albeit no weapons but had massive playability - there was also a similar game with 4x4 buggies in it but the name of it escapes me at the moment).

Thanks for the replies guys and long live CaSTaway (seems weird praising the Atari ST after being an old Amiga affectionate but I guess I'm less biased now :) )!
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Think you might be referring to Ivan 'ironman' Stewarts Super Off Road. It's good on the ST, but I like it better on the SMS.

The only other game with missiles etc. that springs to mind is Badlands - might be worth you checking out?
I am actually working on better sample audio; I got it playing samples very well in the Palm OS version now, so I'll backport to the gp32 version for sure once I gete it all stable. (Xenon 2 megablast's intro sounds really good again :)

I am actually working on better sample audio; I got it playing samples very well in the Palm OS version now, so I'll backport to the gp32 version for sure once I gete it all stable. (Xenon 2 megablast's intro sounds really good again :)

Excellent! A BIG thank you for making the emulator. :)
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Excellent news!

Likewise from me, a big thanks for the best emu for the gp32!

Will you be also be fixing the sound for when you use a higher clock rate than 132?

And while I'm at it..How can I politely put er the gamma option sucks!!! :)

Seriously, although I love Castaway to bits, the gamma option is the worst I've seen on any gp32 emu. Even the c16 emu has better gamma than Castaway :)