Need A Port For Gang Garrison 2 Here!


Still Fresh
Apr 15, 2010

Has anybody seen a port for Gang Garrison 2 on the way here? No? Then we still have a problem!

The game is based on Team Fortress 2 for Xbox 360º, PS3 and PC (and now MAC too, wow!) that is one of the most popular online games ever (if not, the most addiciting of course)

So I was here thinking with my sandvitch and he got two excelent ideas: 1 - Use all my fight money to buy two of every animal on earth and 2 - see if it's possible to port the 8-bit version of this game (the link is above) for the Wiz

Yes, I know it's a multiplayer game, but we are all waiting for the WiFi thingamajong and making this things takes time, so why not see if anybody out there can take a look and show some interest maybe? Is it feasible at least?

Thanks in advance, now I have to go, It's overtime

EDIT: If it's feasible and someone decides to port it, PLEASE don't forget to allow the touchscreen to act as a mouse and to implement a virtual keyboard ok? thx
it looks nice, but hey, 2 minutes more of looking would've revealed that it was made with game maker and thus is in no way portable to the wiz.
Ok, I didn't know that... but now I do, so thank you for the information =)