No Amiga Emulator?

Billy Lee

Dec 16, 2003
Is there an Amiga emulator available or in the works for the GP32? I haven't seen anything of it. I think it would be great to play all those ace Amiga games like Project X, Superfrog, Blood Money etc.
Hey - I've had a great idea! Why don't we add a search function to these message boards. People could then look up things that other people have previously talked about. There might be all sorts of useful information in there...
Basically it's not really feasible because the Amiga architecture is too complex for the GP32 to emulate at a decent speed. But we've got a great ST emulator which can play a good number of the Amiga's best games, so it's not all bad :)
Yep, if some people discussed about Amiga emulator in 2003, and none existed then, surely there is no chance someone might have actually done something about the thing? Like, programming one?

Be quiet, people, if some coder-type sees such question here, he might go: "Hmmm... I could propably make a GP500, emu for A500... A bit of frame drop... mumble mumble"

Why isn't there an amiga emulator, BTW? It uses the same CPU as Genesis/Megadrive, and MD emulators work well. Surely there are the chips (OCS/ECS) to emulate to, but hey, never say never. Without the sound chip, was it... Paula? (Or Denise, or Agnus..) emulated, it might be feasible. Though, that would be saying good-bye to A's 4 channel uber musics.... (Not kidding about the uber.)
chill people

if you are offended by people that dont use the search feature then pissoff or dont let it bother you.

as some people dont mind replying to peoples questions.
Oh FFS!!! - USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION! This has been gone over so many times...

The Amiga uses load of custom chips - the GP32 has one CPU to do the whole thing!


They used to say any speed over 50 mph would certainly kill a human being.
So let's see in 10 years, if no-one has developed a functional emu of A500 to gp32, I believe it cannot be emulated. :D

There's a friggin SNES emulator for GBA... At 14mhz. :blink:

(And it works...)
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the amiga's not impossible to emaulate its just it would likely run very slow and without sound. an amiga emu exists for the dreamcast (UAE4ALL - works very well already, the dreamcast has a 200mhz cpu tho) someone could maybe look at porting it from the source for that.
PocketUAE shows that it can be done, though not really well fps wise; I started on it, but I'm trying to relax a bit these days so its not gotten beyond basics I'm afraid. (ie: Working 60+ hours a week instea of 80+ these days.. relaxing :)


Porting PocketUAE really isn't that difficult though..
There probably could be an excellent AMIGA emulator if someone/group wanted to code in low level assembler, knew both architectures inside and out, and optimized for specific software.

but... WHY? Doing all this is not easy. We are lucky having the people who port the stuff we have now (done out of enjoyment only). By the time an AMIGA project would be finished for the GP32, several groups would have more easily ported AMIGA to the newer machines due in the next year.

I also think the "well picked at" machines like the Atari 2600 and AMIGA 500 are harder to emulate due to brilliant software on those machines that pushed them in unexpected ways. My understanding is that emulation is typically done to run the software for the machine, not be a comprehensive model of the machine...
chill people

if you are offended by people that dont use the search feature then pissoff or dont let it bother you.

as some people dont mind replying to peoples questions.

But replying "Why isn't there an emulator for the GP32" after being pointed to the search function winds me up a tad... what do people want you to do - search for them and cut and paste the answers into another thread?

Anyway, nuff said.

Skeezix - you've got 20 spare hours a week and you aren't working on an Amiga emulator for the GP32? Shame on you... :D
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PocketUAE shows that it can be done, though not really well fps wise; I started on it, but I'm trying to relax a bit these days so its not gotten beyond basics I'm afraid. (ie: Working 60+ hours a week instea of 80+ these days.. relaxing :)


Porting PocketUAE really isn't that difficult though..
Oh Yeah!
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PocketUAE shows that it can be done, though not really well fps wise; I started on it, but I'm trying to relax a bit these days so its not gotten beyond basics I'm afraid. (ie: Working 60+ hours a week instea of 80+ these days.. relaxing :)


Porting PocketUAE really isn't that difficult though..

it's so great to know that you're looking at this Skeezix ;)
but you're right, "restore" for a while first, you merit it so much :)
thanks anyways & be sure a Amiga emu even not without sound & with some FS would makes alot of guy extremly happy arount there ;p
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PocketUAE shows that it can be done, though not really well fps wise; I started on it, but I'm trying to relax a bit these days so its not gotten beyond basics I'm afraid. (ie: Working 60+ hours a week instea of 80+ these days.. relaxing :)


Porting PocketUAE really isn't that difficult though..

it's so great to know that you're looking at this Skeezix ;)
but you're right, "restore" for a while first, you merit it so much :)
thanks anyways & be sure a Amiga emu even not without sound & with some FS would makes alot of guy extremly happy arount there ;p

What would be the point? Part of the Amiga that made so cool was the sound. With no sound and FS 12 it would be pretty worthless. Put that with your 1/2 frame per second mute PSX emu. Meh. I think time would be much better spent incorporating Cyclone into the CaSTaway emu for full speed 0 FS ST emulation, at least that would be playable.
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As an add-on to an earlier post, the Amiga 500/2000 had 4 custom chips, I'm pretty sure, each with it's own purpose.

MC68000 (Processor)

Pretty sure that's how they were set up, and each were tied into the processor, which ran @ 7MHz in a generic A500. The peripherals chip wouldn't really need emulation, but the other 3 would for sure... Unless it was responsible for controlling the emulated disk drive. In theory it would be workable, but it would beed to be WELL compiled and would need to cut out all the excess, and sounds might not be possible for full speed.
PocketUAE shows that it can be done, though not really well fps wise; I started on it, but I'm trying to relax a bit these days so its not gotten beyond basics I'm afraid. (ie: Working 60+ hours a week instea of 80+ these days.. relaxing :)


Porting PocketUAE really isn't that difficult though..

it's so great to know that you're looking at this Skeezix ;)
but you're right, "restore" for a while first, you merit it so much :)
thanks anyways & be sure a Amiga emu even not without sound & with some FS would makes alot of guy extremly happy arount there ;p

What would be the point? Part of the Amiga that made so cool was the sound. With no sound and FS 12 it would be pretty worthless. Put that with your 1/2 frame per second mute PSX emu. Meh. I think time would be much better spent incorporating Cyclone into the CaSTaway emu for full speed 0 FS ST emulation, at least that would be playable.

"We choose to go to the moon, not because it is easy, but because it's hard." -JFK-
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