Amiga 500 Emulator?


Still Fresh
Sep 18, 2003
In euorpe we have a home computer named Amiga 500, dont know what its named in the rest of the world, but anyhow, is there a Amiga 500 emulator?
Or is some1 making one as we speak?

I would love to play amiga 500 again :lol:
i remember one game where u play a guy who runs around at a powerplant and shoots talibans (or something like that, thay scream something in arabic...)
I cant remember the name of the game, Golf War or something I think it was...
Dave18 posted on Sep 18 2003 at 09:23 AM said:
It was called Persian Gulf Inferno and it was great fun!
Thanks Dave!!!
:D :D :D
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lol i remember that, now im gonna have to play it just to hear the sound again otherwise its gonna bug me all day

but back to the question, is there a Amiga500 emulator? cuz i think it goes under another name in the states.
So does any1 know?
I'm fairly sure an Amiga is an Amiga in all countries, not aware of any different names for it.

There's no Amiga emulator of any type available for the GP32 at present. Whether it's technically possible or not remains to be seen (I suspect maybe not, but I was wrong about the feasibility of some of the other emulators that have been released).

The closest you can get at the moment is the Atari ST emulator. On the plus side, most of the Amiga games were ported from the ST (lowest common denominator) so they're pretty much the same as they were on the Amiga.
AdamDawes posted on Sep 18 2003 at 10:38 AM said:
I'm fairly sure an Amiga is an Amiga in all countries, not aware of any different names for it.

There's no Amiga emulator of any type available for the GP32 at present. Whether it's technically possible or not remains to be seen (I suspect maybe not, but I was wrong about the feasibility of some of the other emulators that have been released).

The closest you can get at the moment is the Atari ST emulator. On the plus side, most of the Amiga games were ported from the ST (lowest common denominator) so they're pretty much the same as they were on the Amiga.
Persian Gulf Inferno was realeased on the Atari ST too!
So now im satisfied!
I got it working on the Castaway!
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considering theres not a good amiga emu on the pc (IMO) i think the likelyhood of one appearing on the gp is highly unlikely - nothing to port !!!
That's true. The subject of the possibility of Amiga emulation on GP32 being tangible has been discussed fairly often here, but ultimately Amiga emulation has made very little progress in the last 5 years. I believe it is possible, but seeing as PC's emulation of the system is unreliable and way too user-unfriendly, that anyone wishing to make such an emulator for GP32 has a lot of ground to cover.
GurtyGurt posted on Sep 18 2003 at 02:24 PM said:
That's true. The subject of the possibility of Amiga emulation on GP32 being tangible has been discussed fairly often here, but ultimately Amiga emulation has made very little progress in the last 5 years. I believe it is possible, but seeing as PC's emulation of the system is unreliable and way too user-unfriendly, that anyone wishing to make such an emulator for GP32 has a lot of ground to cover.
There was an Amiga Emulator called Amilthlon. It was a great product. Super, Super fast. It would take over the entire PC - you could even install it to Hard-disk and boot from it. It ran off a modified linux kernal, and a hardware abstraction layer, upon which sat Amiga OS - but alas... legal issues prevented it's continuation...
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