Amiga Emulator??


Still Fresh
Mar 9, 2004
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IS there a chance of an Amiga emu on the GP32? Or there´s one on th way or something?

That would be great cuz the amiga as hundreds of great games and if by chance an emu would turn up, that would definitely boost the gp32 even further, don´t you think??? :lol:
We live in hope :D

But from what I understand, a 68000 ASM core, which might eventuate with Genesis emulation, might make Amiga possible, although there's a lot of custom chips to slow things down. It would require a lot of work from somebody, and since I can barely program my VCR, it won't be me :P

I think I remember yoyo commenting once on these boards that he thought Amiga emulation would be possible with a lot of work.
When people start to run out of projects to do, and now we have an arm core for the 68000 cpu, then maybe...just maybe. Guess you would have to overclock and maybe turn off the sound for some games.
Amiga was the best computer ever B)
I think we'll never see it on the GP32.. there are too many chips to emulate ( copper, paula, denise, fat agnus... ) The only chance we have to play Amiga games on the GP32 is a remake... I'm working on a platform game remake.. very nice, one of my favourite... you'll learn more later...

sensible GP32 posted on Apr 21 2004 at 09:32 AM said:
its one of those things that seems possible, but sadly will never happen. possibly a amiga 500 emu, no chance for the mighty a1200
Amiga 500 Emu would kick ass :D I have the 500...
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That is the dream :D

although dreams don't always come true :( (if they did we'd all be millionaires and shacked up with models (although the models would probably be dreaming about not being shacked up with us so.... and oh god...that dream I had the other day about being stuck on an island where the only building was where I work and the giant flying gold fish that'd be true too ;) ))

Anyway brain hurt, gotta lie down now.

/me buzzes for a nurse :wacko:
unfortunately the custom chips would really be a pain to emulate at a decent speed. On the plus side though:

1.) There is an ASM 68000 core available.
2.) Games are loaded into memory from a disk, not a cartridge, so there is a good chance that games would not have to be pre-stored in RAM.....
3.) Freeing up valuble space for a JIT implementation, as the emulator would only need 1MB for the main RAM.

Unfortunately we would need a nifty programmer to implement this, and although I can code myself, this is far beyond my abilities. <_<
sam fisher posted on Apr 21 2004 at 01:23 PM said:
My amiga is an a600.

What is that?
The A500 was the original home machine, coming out after the A1000. It had 512k Ram and Kickstart 1.2 (basically the bios) which was upgraded to 1.3 in a later release.

The A500+ was an A500 with 1MB ram and a newer kickstart (2.somthing - can't remember). The updated kickstart meant that some old games would not work eg Toki + final fight.

The A600 was an A500+ put into a smaller keyboard/case. It didn't have all of the connectors that the A500/+ had, but it did add a PCMCIA slot. It's kickstart was updates so it knew which connectors it did/didn't have.

The A1200 had 2MB RAM, a faster processor, was 32Bit (instead of 16Bit), It also had better custom chips which meant it got a full 24 bit colour pallette, more than the GP32, but could only diplay 256 colours on screen at once in game mode. It had another mode where it could display 262144 colours, but it was too slow for games. Oh, it's Kickstart was version 3.somthing.
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Charge posted on Apr 21 2004 at 01:50 PM said:
sam fisher posted on Apr 21 2004 at 01:23 PM said:
My amiga is an a600.

What is that?
The A500 was the original home machine, coming out after the A1000. It had 512k Ram and Kickstart 1.2 (basically the bios) which was upgraded to 1.3 in a later release.

The A500+ was an A500 with 1MB ram and a newer kickstart (2.somthing - can't remember). The updated kickstart meant that some old games would not work eg Toki + final fight.

The A600 was an A500+ put into a smaller keyboard/case. It didn't have all of the connectors that the A500/+ had, but it did add a PCMCIA slot. It's kickstart was updates so it knew which connectors it did/didn't have.

The A1200 had 2MB RAM, a faster processor, was 32Bit (instead of 16Bit), It also had better custom chips which meant it got a full 24 bit colour pallette, more than the GP32, but could only diplay 256 colours on screen at once in game mode. It had another mode where it could display 262144 colours, but it was too slow for games. Oh, it's Kickstart was version 3.somthing.
Yeah... The 1mb chip-ram added some stuff to some games. Remember one of my friends got a A600 and I noticed that the game Walker had cool speech on it un-like on my own A500. I actually had a lot more ram than him, but it was fast-ram instead of chip
my 2 MB did however work wonders for Mortal Kombat 2, since it was able to keep all the characters in the ram, thus avoiding all the konstant disk-swapping (If I remember correctly)

He did have a bit of trouble playing a game like Armour Geddon (the main multiplayer-game in my circle of friends) due to the lacking num-pad.

Well... that was all quite off-topic. I thought I would be going somewhere by telling you all this, but - no.
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Mikey posted on Apr 21 2004 at 03:38 PM said:
LOL I'd forgotten about the disk swapping. I had a hard drive in mine and just used to dump everything ionto that :D
Click.............Click.............Click.............Click.............Click............. :D

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A JIT-A500 emu. Nice challenge for someone, and certainly possible. Would need a lot of work though.

And before you ask, no I'm not saying anything about whether or not I would even attempt this. Give the mods the slightest hint that your developing anything and they'll have you up on the front page :D ;)
trooper posted on Apr 21 2004 at 05:03 PM said:
Mikey posted on Apr 21 2004 at 03:38 PM said:
LOL I'd forgotten about the disk swapping. I had a hard drive in mine and just used to dump everything ionto that :D
Click.............Click.............Click.............Click.............Click............. :D

Yeah... The newest WinUAE include sound-simulation of the Amiga floppydisk-drive :P
I thought it was hillarious!
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My first ever post on this forum was exactly the same question. I was a massive Amiga user, and though I now dont use them, I still follow the scene closely. Been to several Amiga OS4 preview events recently and follow the continuous Amiga/MorphOS just for a laugh.

Long live the Amiga!