Nintendo Wii U

Every once in awhile "N" does surprise me, it hasn't happened much over the last 30+ years, but it does happen. I can't really say why they won't use this translation, but I just know they never will. I see them actually translating the game themselves, before they EVER use someone else's efforts. "N" is just wired this way, as most of the problems they current face is just due to out right stubbornness in regards to industry ideas and concepts.
I agree that they probably never will release it.  They should, and they should probably also use what is being offered to them for free.  They want to do things their way, and it works for some things, but they need to learn very quickly to be a bit more open minded.  The last 2 consoles they have released have had a very rough start, and if they gave the fans what they are asking for it might help them out.  The fans are the ones that keep them in the video game business.  As for your last paragraph, I think that kinda goes with what I am saying here.  They want to have total control of it, and if they stick to that they may find they no longer matter.
I agree all the way. The fans and Hardcore "N" sect, is really where most of their sales have been since the N64 days(Wii excluded of course). Sadly, "N" is in a bubble, and I really don't see them ever popping it and moving in a new direction. Every year Miyamoto walks E3, and every year I hear him say no one is doing anything innovative or ground breaking. And I'm like, yeah "N" included.

Then I see Kojima from Konami, and he is the exact opposite. Every year he gives credit to other publishers and their creations, and tells how he wishes they where doing some of what others are doing.

Capcom, Sega, Konami, "N" where all great companies years ago, and all of them are now hurting financially and shadows of their former selves. "N" made more money over the years than anyone else, but they are dying the same death as these other Japanese giants.

In regards to business, Japan is just on another wavelength to western counterparts. When a company like Apple, can throw a founder like Steve Jobs out on the streets, we know anything can happen here. Now that wasn't a good plan for Apple, but at least it showed how anyone can be removed at any time for any reason.

"N" seems hell bent on leaving their current hierarchy in place, and they just keep doing the same things year after year. The Club Nintendo crap is just the first signs of what is soon to come. I'm really hoping for a LE WiiU for Bayonetta later this year, but I know that's a pipe dream.

Oh, and back to Club Nintendo.  Why do other countries get shit while in the land of the rising sun they have good rewards.  I wonder where they make most of their money.  If they treat the rest of the world as though they were second class they will die even sooner.  that goes for Club Nintendo and the games.
Oh, and back to Club Nintendo.  Why do other countries get shit while in the land of the rising sun they have good rewards.  I wonder where they make most of their money.  If they treat the rest of the world as though they were second class they will die even sooner.  that goes for Club Nintendo and the games.
Sadly, Japan is where the parent company is, and that is who they take care of. I'm not sure how other regions Club Nintendo are, but the US is probably the worst. I've seen some of EU stuff, and they aren't the greatest, but they seem to get way better stuff than us.

Capcom does the same shit as "N", as they have their e-Capcom shop, and they have some wicked cool LE stuff, that the US can only dream about. This just goes to show how sad and out of touch most of the US branches(and other regions) are in regards to special editions, clubs, ect.

Any of our shops compared to Japan's, it's no contest. As bad as club Nintendo is, go look at Crapcoms US Store, and it's painful to see the JUNK they sale there. They neither release something cool, and make 5 of them, or they do something that's OK, and make 1000's, and then wonder why they need to slash prices years after the original release.

The street fighter chess set was pretty cool, but they made 5000 of them, WTF where they thinking? Someone there thought 300 dollars, and producing 5000 of them was a good idea? Now it's not hard to see why they are going broke.

Why are people saying "N"? Does it really take so long to type Nintendo? Should we start referring to Capcom as "C"?
Why are people saying "N"? Does it really take so long to type Nintendo? Should we start referring to Capcom as "C"?
I don't know that people are doing it, but I started doing it awhile ago, as I got tired of typing out Nintendo. It's something I do, but I don't know that anyone else has adopted it.

Why ask such a question? Why does anyone use abbreviations or the like? Does anyone here not know in a Nintendo thread that "N" stands for Nintendo? Why shorten anything instead of using the full word, or phrase, or company? Is there a problem if I write "don't", instead of "do not"? Why not write "lots of laughs" instead of "LOL". 

Is this question for real, or a joke?


EDIT: I also do the "N" as a representation of Nintendo and their single minded mentality. We are "N", and no one else matters. Why type their whole name, when they are legends in their own minds. This is my way of showing that.
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Why ask such a question? Why does anyone use abbreviations or the like?
Because I was genuinely curious. People use weird abbreviations all the time, and sometimes they intentionally mean something, like how M$, with the dollar sign, is both an abbreviation of Microsoft and a dig at their monopolistic empire. I was trying to figure out if "N", complete with quotes, was for any reason other than just shortening it.
EDIT: I also do the "N" as a representation of Nintendo and their single minded mentality. We are "N", and no one else matters. Why type their whole name, when they are legends in their own minds. This is my way of showing that.
See, just like that. I've seen it from a lot of places, not just this forum, and started to assume it was part of a meme I'd been missing (like the "M$" thing), and that maybe you were in on it and could shed some light, but if that's your personal reasoning than if it is a meme you don't know anymore about it than I do. No matter, it's just idle curiosity.
EDIT: I also do the "N" as a representation of Nintendo and their single minded mentality. We are "N", and no one else matters. Why type their whole name, when they are legends in their own minds. This is my way of showing that.
See, just like that. I've seen it from a lot of places, not just this forum, and started to assume it was part of a meme I'd been missing (like the "M$" thing), and that maybe you were in on it and could shed some light, but if that's your personal reasoning than if it is a meme you don't know anymore about it than I do. No matter, it's just idle curiosity.
Fair enough. I actually use it on several different sites(GoNintendo, Gamefaqs, CheapAssGamers, and here). I personally started doing it awhile ago, so you may have being seeing me other places, as I have different user names on all those sites, or others may have picked up on it, but I've never explained my own reasons for using it before today.

Now that you say you've seen it other places, your question makes way more sense. I always thought I was the only one who used it, now I guess I may not be alone :P

Just got Trine 2, I love the demo.

Gonna pick up CoD: Ghosts, MarioKart8, Resident Evil: Revelations and ZombiU soon.
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