Nintendo Wii U


Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
Rumour below.

Only 1 week to go till official news from Nintendo. :)


Wii U

Wii U? Am I the only one feeling uninspired or underwhelmed or will I smile a little more when I hear more about the hardware, ie. specs?





Also, I hope we can still use GameCube controllers, somehow?
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It's probably fake, because Nintendo GameCube physical disk support is no longer viable in today's world of digital distribution (business wise).
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The PS3 can read 50GB discs as well, few games are that large though.

Only a few days before we find out for sure anyway :) exciting isn't it.
I just hope that the games actually are 50gb each. If you can fit a full Xbox 360 game in less than 8gb, I want to see how much Mario Party one could cram into 50.
or could be a case of final fantasy with 22gb worth of video and few gb worth of game, or 18gb worth of game, 20gb worth of 3D like killzone, in other ways, nobodys gonna make a game with 50gb of useful data these days
I'd like to see that, and a HD F-Zero :)

I think that they need to do away with friend codes with any online service they introduce though.
They've already started that with the 3DS, yes there are still friend codes, but it's a single code for the console. Meaning you can essentially change your gamertag as often as your socks, if you really wanted to. The only thing they really need to work on is the background structure, things like matchmaking and lag.
or could be a case of final fantasy with 22gb worth of video and few gb worth of game, or 18gb worth of game, 20gb worth of 3D like killzone, in other ways, nobodys gonna make a game with 50gb of useful data these days

Exactly what I fear.

Filling 50 GB of code is hard.
This will be even more exciting if they can avoid the mandatory, sometimes 15 minute +, installing of data to the hdd as you have to endure with the PS3.

It's all very well having 50gb of data stored on your discs, but if you need to dump a large chunk of it to your hard drive before you can start playing then just give me 3 dvds and I'll happily swap them over when required. The loading times for MGS4 were sickening.
This will be even more exciting if they can avoid the mandatory, sometimes 15 minute +, installing of data to the hdd as you have to endure with the PS3.
Well a 12X Blu-Ray drive is amazingly competitive with a notebook HDD for read rates, so they could potentially do that.

50GB Bluray disks, like 9.7GB DVDs, are Double-Layer so I'm not sure why people are treating them like they are the normal capacity disks. Obviously no one in their right mind is going to go Coco for Cocoa Puffs on it when only the weakest console has them and otherwise there's a low adoption rate. Just like games really switching over to using DVDs took forever.
I think itd be interesting to see the controller double as a standalone console, Like a DS or a gameboy, but doubles as a controller.