Nintendo Wii U

I pretty much only play on the pad with mine.

I wish you could play the old Wii games on it though, I d/l that remake of Excitebike for the Wii mode, but it has to be played on the telly screen - as do all the Wii mode games I think
If they had just called it the Wii 2 and added new stuff + an evolution of the original tech then it may have sold loads.

I have rarely if ever seen an advert for the wii u. If you don't advertise how will anyone know your console exists.
PR and timing was bad. They should have waited until they have the usual new Zelda, Super Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, Metroid etc... games ready

and they should have advertised more than just at some expos.
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PR and timing was bad. They should have waited until they have the usual new Zelda, Super Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, Metroid etc... games ready

and they should have advertised more than just at some expos.
But many casual gamers aren't actually interested in those franchises. They might be aware of them, but not interested in playing them.

The Wii did something that no other console before or since has done - it got non-gamers playing games. That wasn't all down to Wii Sports. That was the controller. Making it simpler to use than a tv remote control was genius. Anybody and everybody can use a tv remote. So right from the start those the few WiiU adverts that were shown didn't show the simplicity due to it now having a gamepad. Gamepads remind people of tablets - now most people have either got one or don't want one. Nintendo failed to tell people it wasn't a tablet or show why it was a good idea.

Nintendo have also only advertised core games (and then rarely) - nothing for the non-gaming generations to actually want to play. Nintendo released WiiU Sports before Christmas, but did they advertise that fact to the millions of people who loved it the first time round? Um. No. Not on tv, not in the press. Nowhere.

Did they actually advertise the WiiU itself in the last 6 months or more? Um. No. They showed some games (again for core users), but nothing about the machine. In the lead up to Christmas they advertised what? Feck all. And they wonder why the WiiU is failing. Come on Nintendo. FFS. Pick up the ball!

Advertising at Expos is not enough - who goes to expos? The hardcore audience. They already know about WiiU and either have one or don't care. Advertise in women's mags, in lads mags, in car mags, in nature mags, in newspapers, in kids comics etc. etc. Push the WiiU, not the games - it is far more capable than Wii. They should also have made WiiU a Blu-Ray, DVD and multimedia player - that could have sold systems on it's own. But no. Nintendo once again goes proprietry because they don't want to pay license fees. D'oh!
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You can play wii games on the pad. you just can't hot swap the screen.

The pad even has a sensor bar built in.

Also the controls of the pad are ignored you have to use a wiimote still.
Ok, well hopefully they somehow get the gamepad controls to work, most the time I play the Wii U I don't turn the telly on even, I just pick up the gamepad and it all happens on there, which is how I like it. Nice to sometimes play on the large screen but that isn't often so far
Some slightly interesting things from the corporate blabla briefing

- Quick start menu (this will be nice)

- Nintendo DS titles through eShop (probably too expensive and only side by side, so some titles, like Contra4, won't make much sense  )

- more NFC utilization (did not even know that the gamepad hat a NFC chip)

more NFC utilization (did not even know that the gamepad hat a NFC chip)
It's a peripheral. Skylanders and Disney Infinity make use of it. It's a neat concept but I'm worried it's going to become the next rock band guitar.
NFC stands for Near Field Communication... yes I had to google that.

So it can talk to nearby devices.
This was one of the early features they promoted when the WiiU was first announced, and yeah, it's only been used Skylanders & the Disney game. Is there anything else they can do with this that isn't "figure" game related?

One thing they should do is allow remote play with the pad over WiFi... if at all possible.

And really find away to use some Wii games using the pad controls...

Oh and HD Wii output.
That would make way to much sense, and we all know "N" no longer knows what that is :P

That's just business as usual. You get these lawsuits every year or so. Nintendo will just have to spit out some money to Philips if the claims actually have ground.
I'm wondering why Philips does this now, acorrding to the article Philips "warned" Nintendo in Late 2011. Why did it took them more than two years to actually take action ? Maybe negotiations about that ultimately failed.
I do recall reading about this a couple times. I don´t recall what they did back then, but I thought Nintendo paid a little. I guess I was wrong, but I thought the end result was everyone was content. Then again, these are corportions, and it IS about money.