I agree 100% on that^I agree that the Wii Mini may outsell Wii U this holiday season. But that alone doesn't mean that the Mini will be cannibalizing Wii U's sales to any real degree.. If people still don't understand the difference between Wii and Wii U then they were probably never going to buy a Wii U to begin with.
They should be working on making that distinction, as the overall market still has the perception that the WiiU is just another form of the Wii. I understand releasing a barebones system like the Wii Mini, as it's a good way to capture the bargain bin market, but the Mini is just bad overall(a really gimped machine).
What would have been a better choice, was releasing a WiiU sans the tablet controller for $99-150. That would be a killer deal, as the WiiU has all the bells and whistles and is backwards compatible. I still think they will go that route next, if the WiiU doesn't start to sell better over the next 6 months. The tablet is their main roadblock at this point, and why the hardware is so costly. No one, including "N" has really used it for anything worthwhile, so excluding it from the overall package seems like a smart move. Especially considering most consumers don't know what it is, or what it does.