Nintendo Switch

You want!??

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Couldn't they just have made a real handheld with twice or tripple the resolution of the 3DS and a proper console?
This bastard is a disgrace, now people have to take things into their own hands and make batteries which probably make it so heavy and big that it's even less portable.

I must say, especcially compared to this coming from one of the biggest companies, the Pyra with all its abilities and the price is even more impressive. You get so much more for your money.
Got yesterday Lego City Undercover for the Switch, and as i ditnt have a WiiU and cant compare it whit the WiiU Version, i was quite impressed so far, a big 3D City, lots of fun and pretty big amount of slapstick on the Videosecquences,
Ditnt got enough time to look at the technical side, it was quite playable, but shurely not 30 fps.. and the loading time, is way longer than on Zelda, but i hope this will get patched soon..

I wrote from a lot of issues whit the Switch, but my Units seems to work great, no disconect joycon, no Heat Bending, only a Wifi Issue whit the Router in the Living Room (my Wlan in second flor works)..

And it seems my TV is a bit too smal, as i cant read textboxes that good in TV Mode..

And i have Now 4 Switch Cardridges: Zelda, Bomberman, Lego City Undercover, and Binding of Isaac..
The Switch with Joycons attached weighs 399 grams. That battery adds another 390 grams. So effectively doubling the weight
Couldn't they just have made a real handheld with twice or tripple the resolution of the 3DS and a proper console?
This bastard is a disgrace, now people have to take things into their own hands and make batteries which probably make it so heavy and big that it's even less portable.

I must say, especcially compared to this coming from one of the biggest companies, the Pyra with all its abilities and the price is even more impressive. You get so much more for your money.

"N" hasn't been about real "value" in a very long time, and that company is all but gone sadly. When a gaming company can't add a few dollar charger to something like the N3DS so you can charge it out of the box, reality is all but gone at that point and should no longer be expected, EVER! Also, when a game like 1 2 Switch is $50, and not included with an already over priced system........well, you get my point. LOL

Got yesterday Lego City Undercover for the Switch, and as i ditnt have a WiiU and cant compare it whit the WiiU Version, i was quite impressed so far, a big 3D City, lots of fun and pretty big amount of slapstick on the Videosecquences,

The NS version is for sure the better of the two offerings. It was always on my radar for my son's Wii U, but it was out of print for awhile, and since it came back, I just never got the time as I heard it was one of the best Lego games, and for sure one of the best Wii U games in general. So just in the last week, I've seen a lot of comparison videos, and while the Wii U version isn't bad performance wise, it looks terribly faded, and dull, like most of the VC games do. Lego games in general should be bright, flashy and have bright colors(like real Lego's), the NS version does, but the Wii U not so much. I'll probably still get the Wii U version for my son, as it's cheaper, and he won't really notice the graphics issues, but I'll for sure get the NS version for myself down the road if and when I ever get the NS.

The Switch with Joycons attached weighs 399 grams. That battery adds another 390 grams. So effectively doubling the weight

Nyko I believe, pretty early on added a similar battery to the original 3DS, and while it added bulk and weight, the profile wasn't to bad(as it still fit in my case, although tightly), and the extra battery life was a Godsend. If I owned an NS, it would for sure be the biggest and heaviest handheld I own, so I doubt I would use it in much the same was as my other handhelds due to it's size, so adding this to get more battery life may not be so bad depending on my needs. For someone who travels a lot, and may use kickstand mode a lot, this seems like a given. Even for someone sitting around at home who may not want to use the TV feature, this is still a potential good buy.

Now You Can Order A Splatoon 2 Box With Nothing In It for ¥540 / $5

I bought a launch Nintendo Switch from a friend of mine because he needed the money more. I still haven't taken it out of the box. There are only two games that interest me for it and I already have Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U (the other being Zelda and I could also get that for Wii U). I may just sell it to someone else instead because I'm certainly not going to get any use out of it for a while.
Now You Can Order A Splatoon 2 Box With Nothing In It for ¥540 / $5
As someone who has collected cool boxes in the past I can appreciate this. Want the box but already have a console? $5, put it on your shelf because it's cool.
I don't know if a lot of people are aware, but "N" has offered most things for purchase at their online web store for ages. I bought replacement manuals from them as far back as the Virtual Boy, as I bought a system on the secondary market, and it didn't have a manual, so I ordered one from them direct.

Them selling this box has been all over the web, like they are so hard up, they are offering boxes at a premium, but stuff gets lost, and damaged, and it's good to see stuff like this offered. Their store has battery covers, and all kinds of replacement products, which is a good thing. I just wish the US had a better selection of certain items, as NoA is still pretty shitty in regards to inventory in general, and items like this are no exception, sadly.

They should also offer their past library of games for purchase as well(way more potential funds than replacement parts), but the VC is another topic I suppose:|

Still no news on the virtual console. I guess I will stick to my Wii U for now. Was thinking of buying the switch, but it gets more unattractive the more I think about it.
Still no news on the virtual console. I guess I will stick to my Wii U for now. Was thinking of buying the switch, but it gets more unattractive the more I think about it.

Rest assured, they are working on the best possible way to milk their fan base for the same games AGAIN, and they need time to make it not so obvious that they are bending over the same consumers again, and again. That takes time to properly figure out the scheme to best mask this "raping", and make consumers think they are getting some form of value, when they most definitely will not.

But while your waiting on that, here is the current state of how voice chat will work, so enjoy. LOL

That voice chat stuff looks ridiculous :). I am actually only going to get the switch, if my previous purchases on my 3DS and Wii U can be transferred to the Switch. And as this is Nintendo and their Managers still live in 1955 this is not going to happen. More like: You bought this title already? Well here you can buy it again! Only 19.99 USD for Mario 64

This means I am going to buy the switch if it gets another zelda (and not a remake) - which I doubt, or if it gets cheap enough on Fleabay...
Yeah, I'm personally waiting on a redesign, not that the NS is to bad as it is, but it's a little bigger than I care for currently. I also have zero interest in removable controls, or the added feature of playing on a TV. I want a straight up handheld, that has a decent size, proper battery life, and some decent games. I know it will get there at some point, but unless they have a proper price drop sometimes soon(which is next to impossible with their current level of sales), I'll be playing the waiting game for now, and see how things develop over the next few years.

I'm still more than satisfied with what my N3DS has to offer, and I have tons of games I've yet to play on the Wii U as well, so no rush. I may get one for my son soon, as he has a NES Classic he never touches, so I may sell that for him, along with some of his Wii U games, so he can get one this summer, instead of during the holidays. As it may be harder to get then, and I'm sure he's more than happy to give up some current items for the possibility of getting it early anyways.

Still no news on the virtual console. I guess I will stick to my Wii U for now. Was thinking of buying the switch, but it gets more unattractive the more I think about it.

But at least the 8bitdo controllers support the Switch now, so you already have awesome pads for the Virtual Console store (once it gets released...)
If those 8bitdo controllers bring out a version with rumble, it would put the ones from Nintendo into serious competition for switch games as well!
Well, their online service cost has been announced(at least for NA), although the details are rather hazy which most things "N" related often are, $20 annually for online play isn't terrible. I would pay that for my son on an annual basis, so that he could play Mario Kart and Splatoon online. They look to have re-thought their ideas of loaning players one game a month as well, but so far it looks like all you can play on a continual basis will be NES, and maybe some SNES titles, if they feel generous. So any system beyond that, if ever offered(N64, GC, etc.), will be at a per game cost I'm sure as per the standard VC.

So like the chat feature, this could be a step forward, while taking a few more back. It has also been push back to 2018, so I'm sure they may want to put more thought in to what is offered before sharing the complete details. For now, they seem to be riding the tides of "whatever" as they always do, as they seem to have no specific ideas or plans for the NS, in regards to how past games are offered along side their paid online.
