Nintendo Switch

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Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
With the amount of Nintendo fans on these forum boards, I'm very surprised that no one has yet mentioned (not that I'm aware of anyway) Nintendo's next/upcoming home console (or just another alternative home console that might be selling along side the Wii U) codenamed NX?

Anywayz¬ It apparently might be running an "Android-based" operating system instead of the shitty ones that Nintendo tend to make. Big mistake or smart move?

I want Nintendo to partner with nVIDIA and use the X1 SoC or the successor to it.


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It's all rumour and speculation at the moment. Nintendo may or may not release more info at E3, but until there's something worth commenting on I'm not getting too excited, despite loving Nintendo.

If it is Android based, it could work very well in Nintendo's favour in getting Indie devs on-board. Depends on the final product though - will it be a micro-consol like OUYA or a handheld like 3DS, or even a phone with controls. Or something else... Time will tell.

Bugger, now I'm getting all excited. I'm going for a lay down, :p
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Nintendo hasn't exactly been courting indie devs lately. Quite the opposite, in fact. This idea of using Android to encourage small time developers to their platform and to make something that will work on other systems is a major shift in Nintendo's previous thinking, which has always been about control.
Nintendo would NEVER use android. It's just not them. It would just be another generic spamdroid box then... BORING.

Nintendo know that people expect something unique from them and not the same old hat, and what an old hat it is.
Well, I think "N" has already stated there will be no news at E3, so don't expect any news to come from there, unless it's from behind closed doors.

As for my interest in this project.........It's probably less than ZERO at this point. There has been no real "news", and as I stated here before, I'm sure the announcement was made when it was to boost investment and stock moral, and nothing more. It's so far off, and the 3DS's "coming soon" game list is so void of any decent titles, I don't know what to think?

As usual, "N" is in their bubble and if anyone want's to know what they are thinking, good luck, as I don't even think they know :p

Iwata did state recently that they are looking in to how they can make the NX region free, but considering how unsure his statement was, I'm not holding my breath. He is the king of "double speak" & "excuses", so until I see a system, and some games, this is another heart sensor coming soon attachment as far as I'm concerned.

I would be heartbroken if they choose Android for their next system.  I want something out of this world from Nintendo in their next console.  Something that is different than PS4 and Xbox One. Something that will change the gaming industry...
I would be heartbroken if they choose Android for their next system.  I want something out of this world from Nintendo in their next console.  Something that is different than PS4 and Xbox One. Something that will change the gaming industry...
I want the same, but I think "N" is really gun shy at this point, and really scared to commit to the unknown. They can't really afford another Wii U situation, and while the 3DS has had a great last few years, it appears all but abandoned at this point, for Wii U development.

What has always made "N" great was their creative side, but over the last few gens, that has gotten less and less. The Wii was innovative and changed the gaming landscape at the time, but over the whole life of that system, they never really used what made it unique in any significant ways. Most games that where good where ruined by forced motion controls, as they tried to force feed it to users, and just alienated me and so many others.

So far from what we can piece together of the NX, is that it looks to be independent from their standard handheld and console market, and is there first steps in to the mobile gaming market. So Android makes since, as there is no way in hell they could release a third mobile system in to the market and expect anyone to use it. Mobile gaming is IOS and Android, PERIOD! So if "N" wants to reach the masses, they need one or the other.

Something that will change the gaming industry..
Nintendo has been for a long time about doing things in a very conservative way. Even when they launched the Wii controllers, they did not end up doing much with it. Yeah, they had a couple of cool games, but that's it. It did not change the world of video games forever, we are back on regular pads.

VR has the potential to change the way we experience (some) games, and guess what Nintendo is not going to spearhead it.  

They can't really afford another Wii U situation
They got what they deserved. They had a clear "cold shower" feedback when they first introduced it at E3, and they still persisted and said it was a good idea. It isn't. 
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said it was a good idea. It isn't.
The concept was a good idea, they failed the execution, especially in marketing. They expected to sell on brand recognition alone, a mistake Sony made when they released the PS3. I don't think they'll be making that mistake again, but I've been saying they won't make that mistake again for a few other things, yet their logistics team still can't figure out which amiibos they need to make a lot of.
said it was a good idea. It isn't.
The concept was a good idea, they failed the execution, especially in marketing. They expected to sell on brand recognition alone, a mistake Sony made when they released the PS3. I don't think they'll be making that mistake again, but I've been saying they won't make that mistake again for a few other things, yet their logistics team still can't figure out which amiibos they need to make a lot of.
Thats true about the ps3. The ps2 did sell on brand recognition for quite some time.
Fogging, glitchy graphics, dark colour palettes for games and sweet nothing to play for nearly a year.

Looks like ninty will try another innovative device with the nx.

But maybe it will just be a gimmick.

Nintendo would NEVER use android
People were saying "Nintendo would NEVER develop games for smartphones" until the DNA deal was officialized.
Just googled this story now. Intetesting but their still just dipping their toes atm.
The concept was a good idea, they failed the execution,
Still not convinced it was ever a good idea even concept wise. I have played several WiiU Games and I still do not see the need to have a tablet for anything. It's ok for asymetric kind of games (one player with the tablet and the rest with wiimote controllers) but that's pretty much limited to party kind of games. For the rest, using it as a second screen to display additional info is even less useful than the DS second screen which was not super useful in the first place (even most games on DS do not really use the second screen for anything remotely necessary). 
a mistake Sony made when they released the PS3
The PS3 sold very well all matters considered. The launch price was way too expensive and made it a meh start, but in the end it caught up with the xbox360 without much effort. And the PS4 is clearly showing the brand power of the playstation vs the brand power of lets say Microsoft. The consoles are about the same (yes the pS4 is slighly more powerful but you wont really notice that much of a difference anyway) and the difference in sales is pretty much the whole branding at work.
The ps2 did sell on brand recognition
Yes but not only. It was sold as a cheap DVD player (and quality wise, pretty good at that at the time) right from the start and lots of people bought the ps2 without games during the launch period to watch dvds (and buy games later when good ones came out)

Intetesting but their still just dipping their toes
Considering how conservative Nintendo is, this is a huge change of policy even if they do not really go full power in. 
Still not convinced it was ever a good idea even concept wise.
There's not much I could say to convince you otherwise, the point is that whatever potential it may have had was lost by naming confusion and a gross failure in marketing and flagship software. Like, the tech demos showed the NFC very early on but it wasn't until recently that it started getting used; if they had had a Mario game that made use of it day 1 I've got a feeling the last 2 years would have been radically different.
The PS3 sold very well all matters considered.
Yes, it sold very well eventually, just as the 3DS did, and the Wii U is slowly catching up to selling well enough. But they also struggled with early sales and a lot of that was because the PS2 sold SO well that they believed people would just follow them no matter what they did. A $900 console and $100 games? PASS!
"N" and Iwata are clueless and have been for a very long time. As stated above, everything that made the Wii or even the Wii U unique, is never used really well past the "gimmick" of it all. We are 1 gen past the Wii, and motion controls are all but gone as the fad they where. There is nothing really meaningful being done with the Wii U either, and while nice at times to have an extra screen for inventory or whatever, it wasn't worth the hit to the specs, to offer a tablet controller that does nothing to really enhance the overall experience.

When Iwata speaks how he didn't see, or doesn't understand how fans want "region free", or how they didn't realize how popular Amiibos are, and how sorry they are they can't meet demand, or how they are sorry they can't work out a proper account system, or why an online multiplayer game like Splatoon doesn't need voice chat, I just put my face in my palm and cry. All I hear from him is apologies and excuses, my 9 year old functions about the same.

I honestly would not let this guy run a lemonade stand, and mean that in all seriousness. When "N" had their greatest moments(NES/SNES), was when there was no real market competition, and once that came along, they have been on a steady decline ever since. Even the SNES barely came out on top once the Genesis/MD actually got going. The NX has no possible way to do anything but be another wish washy product and idea from "N" that will interest fanboys, but will not do anything to change the industry or move it forward. I would LOVE to be proven wrong, but Iwata is just not capable of making something like that happen.
