Maybe they will release a clip on battery pack that will serve as a clamshell screen protector that protects the attached joy cons at the same time?
How do they expect us to transport it safely in portable mode?
I'm sure they'll offer a carry case or something, for an extra $20-30, but I really don't think they are really pushing this as a portable. I believe they are hoping this can fill the void they have been missing out one in regards to tablets and other devices that can be carried around, but are also usable anywhere within the home or out.
Sadly, I don't see that market cairing for this, and for the kids under 10, I don't see parents buying this due to it not being really portable, or the expense of it all. My son loves "N", and he has a 2DS & N3DS, and we only allow him to take the 2DS out, as it is easier to replace if damaged. He wants a NS of course, but next Christmas is as soon as I would get him one, and it's never leaving the house, period.
Most consumers I think are going to be happy buying a $100 tablet, and some free or .99 cent games for their child, instead of a $250-$350 device that requires expensive attachments and other expenses like $10-$50 games and whatever else.
I guess the best feature of the NS is that it is a home console, that can also be used away from the television, but it's trying to fill a "need" that I don't think anyone wants or needs. If this would have been the Wii U 5 years ago, it would have done well, noew I just don't see it. Once again, they are late to the party with an old concept and idea that has been done for ages now.
I'm a HUGE handheld fan, and have been since the game & watch days. Out of all my friends, I'm really the only one who still games on portables, everyone else is just about consoles and online to play games together and compete online. And when that's not happening, there playing a single player game on a HUGE 4K TV with no desire to play an HD game on a small tablet.
Then you have the market that wants something small, compact, and cheap, which has been the only market they have really always excelled in, and now while they say they aren't leaving the full on portable market, they are offering a gimped console to offer portability, in an attempt to sale to who? I don't think this will still capture any of the PS4/ONE market, and I don't really see it selling as well as the DS line, so it seems like a device with no real home, but I guess time will tell.