Nintendo Strikes Again

Dunny said:
Surely anyone who can code in raw assembly can google up some NDS roms?

Brill. I'd forgotten about that one! RedBaron was of course writing machine code programs before we were all even born.
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Red Baron can speak in machine code. And by machine code, I mean bollocks.
Hard luck fellers, I don't own a Nintendo console off any description and I have not down loaded any DS roms, it is only a mere observation

You people are totally "P"UCKED IN THE HEAD
R.B said:
Hard luck fellers, I don't own a Nintendo console off any description and I have not down loaded any DS roms, it is only a mere observation
Read the thread. You don't need a website to download DS roms.
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R.B said:
SONY said:
Those sites work, I just downloaded 3 games 3 minutes ago.
All mine are dead, pm me your list
You just crossed the line.

I'm now starting to believe that R.B stands for Random Bullshit.
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R.B said:
Hard luck fellers, I don't own a Nintendo console off any description and I have not down loaded any DS roms, it is only a mere observation

You people are totally "P"UCKED IN THE HEAD

What the hell was the point of this thread then?
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