Nintendo Ds Emulation On Pandora

Pleng said:
Laurencevde said:
I think the easiest/quickest way to get a useable DS-emulator on the pandora is by giving DesMume's main developer a pandora. That'll probably get him interested...

That's a tad presumptuous, unless the developer in question has already stated a specific interest in developing for Pandora (in which case he'd have probably already pre-ordered). Again you're offering hardware worth a couple of hundred pounds for a project that will take many many many many hours to complete!

*bangs his head on the wall*

OK this is the LAST time I'm going to say this so please listen:
THERE IS NO WAY TO MAKE A DEV INTERESTED IN THIS PROJECT. The only person who can generate a dev's interest is HIM OR HER SELF! No exceptions.
So what are you saying?
You seriously don't think a free few hundred pound Pandora wont do it, I'm sure it would since a few thousand pound bounty didn't work. Especially if they got it couple weeks before they would've otherwise. Come on we're talking about a Pandora man!
:lol: :P
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maybe if we provide free cookies and hookers, everyone likes those right?