"Art Of Balance" is finally out in the US e-shop today. It looks and plays better than the Wii version, although the image is smaller(of course). Using the stylus is way more precise than using the Wiimote.
I don't think the e-shop has a 3DS demo, but there is a Wii demo availible for those of you who aren't familiar with this game.
This is the kind of 3DS game where the 3D is perfect, as you never really need to move your system much, so the image always stays centered.
I highly recommend this game to anyone, as it was good on the Wii at 100 levels, but this version has 200 total(100 new levels), plus an added endurance mode. Check It out!
Edit:Also, the Lego Batman 2 demo was pretty sweet. I normally don't get much out the Lego games, but this was long and pretty fun. I still doubt I would buy this for full price, but if your a fan of the Lego series, I'm sure you'll enjoy this one(I'm not sure if it's availible in the UK).