Nintendo 3DS

Monster Hunter's primarily a single-player thing, if that's of any interest. :P Some games have an online mode, but generally multiplayer is local-only, from what I know.

Is Monster Hunter Wii indicative of the series on the whole? It was terrible.
I thought Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii was great personally, especially with the classic controller. Much better controls than the PSP.

And there is a multiplayer (online) mode for MH:Tri on the Wii, but I haven't really tried it.

Amazon UK has broken the street date on Star Fox 64 3D, and I have my copy right here, right now. I've just been playing it for a bit - first impressions are very good. It's a much better game than the rather broken and unpolished N64 version. You can tell that people who know what they're doing (namely, the folks at Q-Games, many of whom formerly worked for Argonaut, and made the excellent two SNES Star Fox games) were drafted in to remake it into something better-made.

The voice-acting has the same actors, but has thankfully been re-done. They're much more talented now, and the game isn't an embarrassing cringefest to listen to anymore. Ironically, some deliveries aren't as good as the original, which is a minor shame, but the acting overall is so much better that this hardly matters. :lol:

Peppy Hare's godawful "Do a barrel roll!" line is still there, and still delivered as you'd expect it to be, for anyone who was worried about that one. :P

The raccoon mechanic guy from training mode, who originally spoke in Bebebese (as Animal Crossing would put it) now has a voice! I won't spoil it, suffice to say that he's likely to become a meme in and of himself.

Slippy Toad is still poorly-cast, obviously, and even though the acting for him is *VASTLY* improved, it's even more jarring for me personally now (few others are likely to experience this, as you are about to see), because he sounds curiously like Tron Bonne from the MegaMan Legends series.

The rearranged music overall sounds lovely, although unfortunately some tracks actually suffer for having higher-quality samples and bits of them changed about - these few tracks have less impact, and if you played the N64 version, you will notice this as soon as they start playing. It does all sound more vivid and less muddy, though, which is a plus in the face of that minus, though.

Most astonishingly, the N64 version's focus on making a game intended primarily to be watched and listened to, but not played, has been reduced vastly. The game out and out plays and handles much better now. I also can't help but notice that the degree to which the game directs you as to how precisely you MUST play it has been reduced greatly from the N64 version - this is VERY WELCOME. I thoroughly despise games that don't let you just get on with playing, and instead practically play themselves for you, and this was always one of my biggest gripes with Star Fox 64, before.

The 3D effect works astonishingly well - it's probably the best use of it I've seen so far, and it legitimately makes a major difference to how you play - all of the guess-work in avoiding oncoming projectiles is eliminated (and along with it the need to be barrel-rolling excessively in areas of heavy fire), and your natural instincts simply do their work. It speaks a *lot* for Q-Games' abilities at their craft that it's not detrimental if you turn it off, either. Moreover, suspension of disbelief in place, it makes this universe look vivid and real (something the Star Fox 64 series has never had before, even though the original Star Fox series on the SNES did), and it really does leave an impression on you that the eye-hurtingly drab-looking N64 version never could. This should be a go-to game for anyone developing for the 3DS, in this regard - anyone can enjoy it either way, and this is how it should be done.

There are neat little touches of polish all over the place, and I quite like what they did with the title screen. It's much less horrible and awkward-looking, now. The diorama shown on the 3DS' menu is pretty cool, too.

Overall, I'm impressed. Hopefully this will be a new beginning for the series (and then hopefully they will go back to the superior original version of the universe, if the series is reborn as they say it will be if sales are good).

All in all, I've got to highly recommend this one. And you know it's a high recommendation, because I've been quite outspoken in the past about how bad a game I feel Star Fox 64 to be - this remake thankfully finally improves that situation.

EDIT: Oh! And check the paper insert in the sleeve! (And look behind the spine.)
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I have my copy right here, right now.



The multiplayer mode, which I've now tried, is fantastic, by the way.
Much, much improved over the N64 version's poorly-designed battle mode, which always came down to wins going to whoever could fly in circles quickly enough - these stages are really well-designed, with plenty of room for strategy (and hiding).
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i cant convince myself to pick up star fox after owning it on n64 when it came out, it was a great game and all, but i just cant convince myself to do it, i would have no problem trading any of my 3ds games for starfox though
I say we send this prick a private message or two.

Nice comment for a mod to make.

The very same mod who recently banned somebody for name calling.

Seems we have two sets of rules here, one for members and one for certain mods.

Very professional.
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I say we send this prick a private message or two.

Nice comment for a mod to make.

The very same mod who recently banned somebody for name calling.

Seems we have two sets of rules here, one for members and one for certain mods.

Very professional.
This is an official warning. Stop lightly bullying me (and going way off-topic), please, because one more and you're going on a mini holiday.

I'm serious. You have been warned.

Back on-topic...

So, What Could the Next 3DS Look Like?

Fan mock-up below.

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I say we send this prick a private message or two.

Nice comment for a mod to make.

The very same mod who recently banned somebody for name calling.

Seems we have two sets of rules here, one for members and one for certain mods.

Very professional.
This is an official warning. Stop lightly bullying me (and going way off-topic), please, because one more and you're going on a mini holiday.

I'm serious. You have been warned.

Back on-topic...

So, What Could the Next 3DS Look Like?

Fan mock-up below.


Now also threatning me, I'm scared, who is the bully, hmmmmm........

You really do need to grow up.

Please also leave my comments for others to see.
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If it is anything like that, I am gonna sell my body for money until I can afford it :P
Reading the conversation between you and Cas above is a sad thing.

SONY, I know you are willing to change, but you may not have realized how easy it can be to fall back into older behaviors without realizing it. If anyone criticizes one, then what is the most responsible move one can do? It's to respect what was said and examine whether or not it was justified, no matter what. If Cas tells you something which you believe is not true (or justified) at first, then you simply might not yet have understood his point of view, which is something that has to be taken into account.

If you asked me, I'd probably say that it would be helpful, for this forum as well as for you as a person, if you re-evaluated your way of handling criticism. That won't do any harm to anyone (if anything, it can prevent harm).

That being said, removing someone's comments, as suggested by Cas that you did with his (now or earlier), is something I absolutely have to criticize (in case this really happened). edit-09sep2011-1438GMT+2:I have been informed that no comments were deleted by SONY in this thread.</edit> You might believe that the way he told you his criticism wasn't be best way one can imagine, but it's your responsibility to take it seriously anyway - shutting Cas down isn't going to solve anything, right?
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Guys. Please try to remember that there's more than one moderator on these boards. Not one of us is above scrutiny, so if you find issue with anything we post then please report it as you would any other offensive material and it will be dealt with internally.

You will not be reprimanded for the act of reporting. But attempting to dish out vigilante justice, or engage mods in flame wars will not count in your favour.

None of us is perfect, but bringing down a whole thread when we mis-step is not the ideal way to deal with things and simply serves to demonstrate that you're not perfect either.

Let he without sin cast the first stone.

Now. Let's please get this thread back on track.

Does anyone have any inkling that there will be an in-time-for-christmas 3DS refresh? I'm really itching to buy one now, but don't want to face the same burnination as the early adopters.

Also, has anyone played Ocarina of Time on their 3DS? It's my main reason for wanting to pick one up, aside from the analogue stick being awesome for DS games and me having Golden Sun 3 to complete.
Does anyone have any inkling that there will be an in-time-for-christmas 3DS refresh? I'm really itching to buy one now, but don't want to face the same burnination as the early adopters.

Also, has anyone played Ocarina of Time on their 3DS? It's my main reason for wanting to pick one up, aside from the analogue stick being awesome for DS games and me having Golden Sun 3 to complete.
Just wait for what Nintendo shows us in about 7 days from now. Who knows? It might be a 3DS lite or 3DS XL. :P

@ Cas

I apologize for making you feel threatened here and also publicly calling you out as a bully.
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