Nintendo 3DS

Yeah... Ouch.

I hope whatever's gone on with that is resolved sharpish, though it looks as though the seller's account has already been removed.
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looks like he got his account hacked, person had a perfect reputation for 11 years selling car parts, then all of a sudden scammed everyone out of a $150 3ds
That is what I find weird. He went from selling car parts to 3DS. When I saw his ebay posting on 8/15/11 he had an almost perfect feedback rating. You really thing he might have been hacked? According to a few of the feedbacks on the 3DS, I'm guessing he sold at least more than 50 of them.
You really thing he might have been hacked?
I think DM's right on this.

It happens unfortunately often - after all, an account with a perfect feedback rating is a goldmine for scammers, since so many people don't tend to check what the feedback actually says (just what the percentage is).

A change of goods and ratings so sudden does seem to indicate an account hijacking.
There's a rumor that Nintendo will be announcing a new Baten Kaitos title at their press conference on Sept 13th. Baten Kaitos: Silence of the Mechanized Son is supposedly the name, pretty cool if it's true!
Today marks the day when I officially become embarrassed to be a Nintendo fan-man. :(

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Ah... So that's where the second analogue stick and battery life the 3DS should have had from launch got to.

I've also read something that suggests a new 3DS console is on the way; that's definitely put a dent in my desire to get a 3DS. It would be awesome with a bit more juice.
That looks more like a 3rd party sort of thing. If it was official it would be; slimmer, shinier, and more expensive :P

Also the nub looks shopped (unless its some sort of error in printing).
And we'll probably find out that it's a 3rd party (CAPCOM maybe?) add-on.
I would bet money on this. Given the content of that picture above, I would imagine that it's packed in with that game, and only used by that game. :P (And even then I would be quite surprised if it didn't have the option to be played without it - Capcom showed that they're capable of producing multiple working control-schemes with Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii, after all.)
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And on that note, I must say that I can't wait for this 3DS installment. I rather liked Monster Hunter Tri, and my only issue with it was that it wasn't portable. :P

Hopefully they've put the Airou (cats) back into it as hunting partners, though - apparently you can download copies of those belonging to celebrities, in some of the games released in Japan, and I can't help but think that that would be a fun promotion for the 3DS game, too, especially via SpotPass or StreetPass.
I can't say that bothers me, to be honest. Local play is definitely in (which, again, I found to be great fun in Monster Hunter Tri), and that's more than enough for me. :P
k so i never played monster it like pokemon for grown ups? and that extra circle pad accessory is confirmed to be made by nintendo it seems
I guess it's better than Nintendo releasing a new 3ds revision with the second pad and leaving us early buyers in the cold. Sad to say I would probably still buy the new model when it's released.