Nintendo 3DS

A 3DS XL will be released this year to help lift hardware sales?


I'll have to say...No...not yet, anyway.

This post is better suited for the 3DS thread. Unapproved.

And @ DaMummy

PM Sent regarding this thread. Cheers.
Quoted from GBAtemp

Cascade of cancelled 3DS games

Not looking good at all...

It seems that over the past few weeks quite a few publishers have decided to cancel various projects for the Nintendo 3DS. Some of them were highly anticipated; the present and future of the 3DS aren't looking too bright at this point to say the least. Let's summarize the cancelled projects:

•Assassin's Creed Lost Legacy (Ubisoft)

•My Garden (EA)

•DJ Hero 3 (Activision)

•Saints Row: Drive-by (THQ)

•Omega Five (Hudson)

•Kororinpa: Marble Mania (Hudson)

•Bonk (Hudson)

•Bomberman (Hudson)

•BloodRayne: The Shroud (TBC)

•MegaMan Legends (Capcom)

•Crush 3D (Sega) (TBC)

I personally like the handheld so hopefully more dev companies start supporting it.
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Played on Mario 3DS, Mario Kart 3DS, Starfox 3DS and Resident Evil Revelations at the Hyper Japan exhibition in London yesterday and some proper games are all it really needs. I must admit that most of the time I have the 3D turned down as it does strain your eyes after a while, but it is clearly much more powerful than the old DS and streetpass / spotpass are great.

Of these, most impressed by Starfox as it just played really well - no multiplayer in the demo version but that'll be the thing that gives it some staying power once main game complete.

Mario Kart was exactly as expected - looks and plays same as any other Mario Kart game.

Resident Evil looked and played like a Gamecube/Wii version of Resident Evil - great graphics but I'm still unconvinced this is the type of game I'd want to play on a handheld - here's hoping it ultimately gets ported over to a home console version.

Mario 3DS looked good but I was having real problems working out the 3D in one of the rooms having gone down a pipe as it was a 3D isometric stack that you could see through - had real problems judging the jumps. I'm sure this was probably just me being a plank and playing standing up in an exhibition hall.

Also played something on Namco stand called "Dream Trigger" or something like that and I was totally under-whelmed.

As usual there seems a gulf in quality between a Nintendo title and 3rd party games but at least these are all titles for this year, so hopefully it will get a following by Xmas which will save it - they need to reduce the price of the games though to £20-£25.

Can't believe the price of their Virtual Console and DSiware titles. Now everyone has android/apple phones these should be down to a couple of quid max.
Can't believe the price of their Virtual Console and DSiware titles. Now everyone has android/apple phones these should be down to a couple of quid max.

What annoys me far, far more is that many mainstream developers still haven't fully got behind the iPhone/iPad and made the most of it. I wonder if some money is changing hands to incentivise sticking with Sony/Nintendo.

What pisses me off no end is the lack, still, of a Free-Play mode in Settlers for iOS.

Another one is Cooking Mama, a game which could be absolutely brilliant on iOS, but has been absolutely crippled by ridiculous micro-payments, actually making the DS version cheaper!

The 3Ds isn't an altogether bad handheld, but it's getting packed with rehashes and carries a lot of games which would translate pretty well to iOS and would most likely fare better there. It's the last thing standing in the way of decent games finally avalanching onto iOS devices the world over, and thus it irks me somewhat.

Mario Kart would translate beautifully to the iPad.

If we could have the best of both worlds, I'd be happy. Although I stil don't own a 3DS, I've reviewed one and grew to like it. I've said it once before, and I'll say it again; if they took the 3D out and added a battery, it would be a better console.

Now, I know you can turn the 3D off... but that doesn't stop developers developing with it in mind. I want them to work on fresh new games, not "add 3D to the title" sequels of exhausted crappy franchises.

Although Ocarina of Time 3D can stay ;)

And, yes, the prices of 3DS games are despicable. Show me a DS racer better than Real Racing 2 HD, for a fiver, and I'll eat my hat.

Directionless random rant over!
Indie gaming is the way to go, man. All we need is an easy way of bringing it to mainstream consoles without ridiculous effort.
Indeed, I'm inclined to agree. When software people want is released, sales go up - the most recent example is how they've doubled in Japan with the release of Star Fox 64 3D and the red-coloured 3DS.

Quoted from GBAtemp

Cascade of cancelled 3DS games

Not looking good at all...

It seems that over the past few weeks quite a few publishers have decided to cancel various projects for the Nintendo 3DS. Some of them were highly anticipated; the present and future of the 3DS aren't looking too bright at this point to say the least. Let's summarize the cancelled projects:

•Assassin's Creed Lost Legacy (Ubisoft)

•My Garden (EA)

•DJ Hero 3 (Activision)

•Saints Row: Drive-by (THQ)

•Omega Five (Hudson)

•Kororinpa: Marble Mania (Hudson)

•Bonk (Hudson)

•Bomberman (Hudson)

•BloodRayne: The Shroud (TBC)

•MegaMan Legends (Capcom)

•Crush 3D (Sega) (TBC)

I personally like the handheld so hopefully more dev companies start supporting it.
That list is false.

Of those, Konami dismissed all four of the Hudson cancellations as a lie, noting that if *they* didn't say it it's not true, and stressing that they didn't say it, and Crush 3D was actually only delayed. Five games is hardly what I'd call a "cascade", personally. :lol: The DS had more of those by this point, I've no doubt.

and some proper games are all it really needs.
Exactly. As above, whenever they get released, sales go up. :P

Now everyone has android/apple phones these should be down to a couple of quid max.
I always find this assumption a bit strange, I must admit. Not everyone does, at all... :P Must be the echo-chamber-effect I keep seeing - those who have them seem to think absolutely everyone does and/or should.
Because they do! Throw a rock at any teenager or young adult (the real market for games), and it'll hit someone who owns a smart phone.
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So I'm told. I have yet to meet anybody who plays games on their telephone, however. :lol:
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That's because you don't go to high school. I just got back from vacation in Ocean City, New Jersey. There were souvenir T-shirts everywhere. Among them? Angry Birds t-shirts, shoved right down everybody's throats!
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What annoys me far, far more is that many mainstream developers still haven't fully got behind the iPhone/iPad and made the most of it. I wonder if some money is changing hands to incentivise sticking with Sony/Nintendo.

That's because no one wants to try selling games for much more than $10 on iOS or Android. Whether or not such games would even sell is an open question.

By and large, those kinds of target prices can only support ports, not new high end 3D games. So that's what companies have given.

(the lack of traditional controls probably doesn't really help that much either)

If you ask me, what's hurting 3DS the most is the price. I get the feeling it'll drop to $200 near the PSV release.
That's because you don't go to high school. I just got back from vacation in Ocean City, New Jersey. There were souvenir T-shirts everywhere. Among them? Angry Birds t-shirts, shoved right down everybody's throats!
Oh, another New Yorker crowding up the parkway. It takes me 3 hours to go down to visit my mother in LBI during the summer, thanks! :angry: I know New York has beaches somewhere, how about going to Coney Island for a change? ;)

But seriously, I was at Barnes and Noble on Friday and they had a big display of Angry Birds and Plants vs Zombies crap, so everyone's jumping on that bandwagon.
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^ Hey, nothing wrong with Angry Birds or Plants vs. Zombies. :P They're good games.
we're loosing her, someone needs to make a megaman game for pandora and keep it away from android
^ Hey, nothing wrong with Angry Birds or Plants vs. Zombies. :P They're good games.

Run. Now.
we're loosing her, someone needs to make a megaman game for pandora and keep it away from android
Really, guys, really? I thought you were better than that.

^ Hey, nothing wrong with Angry Birds or Plants vs. Zombies. :P They're good games.
I totally agree, got 'em both on my phone but I still wouldn't buy an Angry Birds stuffed animal or PVZ keychain.
I hate to tell you this, but I would. :lol: (But then, I kind of collect random gaming-related things, so naturally I would. :P )
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I don't see why theres so much hate for Angry Birds, Plants Vs Zombies & all those other casual games. IMO they are the best games to play when you have a few minutes to spare.