NiGHTs into Dreams HD Remake

my Saturn stopped being able to read the memory cards, anyone else have that problem? so im always agonizing over my limited save file space . I really love this game and am hopeful that high sales might generate interest in a high quality sequel
Do Sega saturn circuit schematics exist?

Yes, for sure, it's not the kind of product you create by soldering a few resistor in any order...
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I know, they put sonic adventure, crazy taxi, Sega bass fishing and space channel 5 on a disc for the Xbox, but that was just 4 games and I for one would buy a disc with tonne of dc games on it :)
I tried playing the wii sequel ... It sucked a lot :( and apparently I wasn't the only one who thought so , is it better to get the pc version or buy a Saturn and pile of 2d games .
yeah I heard the wii one sucked too but never played it , what was so bad about it?

also no the memory cards I have are not official but they both stopped working at the same time so I thought it was the saturn for sure
@ Halcyon the first real level was unproportiantly hard ( using a wiimote to remotely turn your neibors ps3 on would be easier ) . And the controls could be a bit weird not terrible ( just expected more from sonic team ) .
Needed an analogue stick, that's the best way to play NiGHTs, hell they pretty much developed the 3D pad for the Saturn just for this game.
I think it was more than just "pretty much", as hardly anymore Sega Saturn games supported it after Nights, but then again the Sega Saturn didn't live that long in the west.