New Release Of StarCraft In 4K Ultra High Definition Announced


Forum Addict!
Feb 13, 2010

StarCraft v1.18a Patch Notes

StarCraft and Brood War will now be completely FREE.

Specific Changes & Improvements
* Please “Run as Admin” during patching; it is required by modern operating systems and your first client run will migrate saves to avoid issues from Windows system admin changes
  • Added windowed fullscreen or windowed mode; use Alt+Enter to switch between
  • Added UTF-8 support
  • Added Keybind options
  • Added cursor clamping in game while windowed; unclamped in menus
  • Added Popular Maps to streamline finding games or game types
  • Added options to display actions per minute
  • Added Observer mode
  • Added opponent information when joining a game lobby
  • Added autosaving for replays
  • Added in game timer option
  • Added UPnP support
  • Improved gameplay responsiveness during multiplayer by increasing turn rate to match LAN speeds over
  • Improved UI layout in sections
  • Improved behavior of available lobbies within the Join game section
  • Improved compatibility with Windows 7, 8.1, and 10
  • Improved anticheat
  • Improved installation and patching performance
  • Native support for Fish

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed palette issues to correct rainbow water, 80s Kerrigan, and other graphic glitches
  • Fixed problems with LAN game discovery
  • Fixed IME support and other text artifacts in menus
  • LAN and Legacy fixes
  • Valkyries will fire missiles regardless of population size
  • Dragoons will not freeze and require a Stop order before accepting new orders

Known Issues
  • Mac is not supported this patch, but is in progress
  • The profile section is currently unavailable
This is great to see! Direct link:

The original StarCraft is my favorite game and it had a huge influence on my life. Samwise Didier's concept art was an inspiration to get into visual arts, and later into computer programming so I could make my own games. Not to mention all the happy memories of time spent with friends, playing and talking about StarCraft.

I still have the Battle Chest with SC and SC:BW, and a while back I had them running with Wine and of course on Pandora :)
Has it Blizzard's always online DRM?
Where can one download the old version and are the serial keys removed completely now?
I have it in the original box, but I always used "1234567890123" as a working code... I don't know anyway if it gives issues on, I never played online.

I'm still waiting anyway to see SC2 released somewhere else, or at least without it's client that needs registration and have to check a connection every 30 days...
I have SC and SC2 in original boxes and as far as I recall, SC2 doesn't need online activation. Get yourself a box set!

This is super cool of blizzard! Supporting a loyal fanbase for such a long time is an exceptional gesture and making the game completely free is even better!

I wish more big studios would do this.

We are living in good times regarding PC oldies. GOG and other sites make it so easy and affordable to legally aquire functional versions.

@notaz is another recompile feasible with the changes? does it even make sense (resolution update and better sprites)? or would you have to rewrite your recompiler setup completely because of the changes? I guess they'll have support for 64bit architecture and all kinds of additions included now that would make it possibly a totally different beast...
I have SC and SC2 in original boxes and as far as I recall, SC2 doesn't need online activation. Get yourself a box set!

Are you able to get updates and/or the others official DLCs without being registered ? Or were them already present in the box content ?

I like to have all the official content a game can have...
@notaz is another recompile feasible with the changes? does it even make sense (resolution update and better sprites)? or would you have to rewrite your recompiler setup completely because of the changes? I guess they'll have support for 64bit architecture and all kinds of additions included now that would make it possibly a totally different beast...
Depends on what they do, if they make it 64bit, use D3D9+ (quite likely they won't use DirectDraw any more as it's no longer used for years) or even recompile it with modern compilers (also quite likely) it'll quickly go into "not doable without spending insane amount of time" realm.
I have SC and SC2 in original boxes and as far as I recall, SC2 doesn't need online activation. Get yourself a box set!
I'm pretty sure you're wrong, because on the back of a box one of the requirements is an internet connection. After all, to log into SC2 you need a Battle.Net account, probably even more so now they dumped that shitty "dashboard/advert" app in front of it
Yup, with SC2 you need Internet even if you want to play LAN games.

About the new SC patch, it seems that it doesn't keep it's promises :
Crashes, bugs not fixed, mouse precision altered, dumb new UI, changed sprite color/sharpness, too fast responsiveness...
Do Blizzard wants to kill SC (again) ?
Yup, with SC2 you need Internet even if you want to play LAN games.

About the new SC patch, it seems that it doesn't keep it's promises :
Crashes, bugs not fixed, mouse precision altered, dumb new UI, changed sprite color/sharpness, too fast responsiveness...
Do Blizzard wants to kill SC (again) ?

So now they'll have the excuse to include an integrated streaming update client in the next patch... and everyone will be assimilated

By the way, when did they kill it the first time ?

They did a great move years ago when they released an official NO-CD patch to run the game
They tried to kill it at the end of kespa era, when they realized they didn't get a penny from the huge korean scene, just before they pushed SC2, threatening kespa to go to court to force switch to SC2 more "efficient".

It is worth noting that no-cd wasn't really a game changer as everyone was already using daemon tools.
Also, they never fixed the battle net quick game join forced pause. Fish (the korean unofficial bnet) fixed that from the start AFAIK.
It is worth noting that no-cd wasn't really a game changer as everyone was already using daemon tools.

Making an ISO from the CDs weren't working for me, there is some section not readable in them, and the mounted ISOs weren't recognized as valid... so I had to use unofficial loaders for the purpose...
Dang you guys are right, just checked again. Why didn't I remember that online activation? I must've mistaken the game for some other title as I clearly remember the box set to be a special offline version, but it obviously wasn't SC2... anyone remember a game where they released an offline version? was it half-life 2?
I got HL2 in a box... but you are forced to install Steam and register a Steam account if you want to install HL2. .. So it must be some other game you are thinking of.

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