Dosbox 0.65 For Gp2x

Roketz update: In order to get the game running smoothly on the PC, you must set DosBOX to use 16mb ram and about 1500 cycles. I have no clue if the GP2X can support these settings but I don't think it should have any problem with them.

However with the same settings on the 2x, the game still bombs out to the menu with the cursor in the top left of the screen. I'll keep trying, but in the meantime if anyone else finds (or knows of) a solution for this, please let me know.

16mb ram and about 1500 cycles.
Not sure dosbox on Gp2x supports more than 8mb - though I'm not sure why this should be... Thought I read something about it a while back. The Gp2x can run at 1200 cycles, at least but it's quite slow...

Btw "textpad" is free and can save in unix format,
It'll ask you to buy it a lot, but works grand, and it can interpret any number of different progamming syntax and interface with compilers - is great really, using it for *ahem* TurboPascal. (I was using a clunky dos based enviroment before).

There is an Amiga emulator of course - but you'd have to own an amiga... Just noticed this game is free I'll give it a shot.

Edit1; for starters that downlod is expecting to be on a cd or something. But that's okay dosbox can mount things as cd's and as any directory path you want more or less.
Edit2; Maybe or something... lets have a go anyway.
On menu thing could be your config in the wrong format or if you accidentally press esc like me. I've got a black screen, but i only gave it 8mb.
Edit3; No not going to run unless it can cope with 8mb. Dosbox doesn't like 16mb I tried it with a working config of tyrian. Think its a no go.
Edit4; Wrong again, it does load and I can get to the menu - via rapid pressing of esc to skip video thingy. It's still ... no It loaded! but its dead slow at 1500 cycles and 8mb ram. Will try less cycles..

**Conclusion** Its too slow on 200mhz to be playable, 8mb ram 600-1500cycles fs3. 1000cycles seems to be better than 1500. 600 won't run. It does run though. ... Starmine anyone? Not so classy though.
Not sure how you managed to make it actually go into the game! But here's a tip, the switch -noanim will stop Roketz from playing the intro movie, and there is also another switch called -xms, which forces Roketz to use XMS memory only.

Would you mind posting your config file so I can play with it? I really want to get this working! Thanks!


Seems I missed an 0 when talking about the cycles earlier, try setting it to 15000 cycles, that's how I got it to be playable on the PC.
Yeah I'll upload the config stuff, just note its a bit complicated due to the need to "emulate" a CD and an install from that cd, its directory sensitive, some brief instructions;

You must copy Roketz download contents to (mnt/sd)F:/dosbox/rocketzCD and install (run setup.exe from the "CD" in windows) to rocketz to /dosbox/rocketz The config files go into the install directory.

Here's a link to the files dl;

I suspect the GP2x would crash at 15000 cycles...

Edit; mm not such forcing xms works well with this did weird things
Thanks for the files! You can play Roketz without having to emulate a CD, the way I've done it is to install the game to a directory, then copy all of the files from the setup folder into the install folder too, then open up Roketz.conf and change the first part of the file to read c:\ instead of the original install dir, then the game will run fine without having to emulate a CD too :)

I'll try your files on my 2x in a few mins and see what results I get, thanks for the reply!


OK, basically I've tested every possible setting I can think of that would effect performance, but unfortunately Roketz simply won't run properly on the GP2X. It runs, and the menu's are perfectly usable, although a little slower than they should be, but as soon as you go into the game it's FAR too slow to be playable. Hopefully through some optimisation and possibly a dynarec (;) zodttd) then I see no reason why this couldn't play games at fullspeed on the GP2X. Since the PSX emu is so close, there's no reason why it shouldn't be possible to make this all but perfect, I hope someone has time to look at it! (I can't code :P)

sighphur posted on Oct 25 2006 at 04:00 PM said:
DosEMU runs FAR quicker than Dosbox in Linux. Has anyone thought about trying to port dosemu to the gp2x?
That sounds intriguing. You should post this under the "Cool Ideas" section and see if anyone bites! ;)
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32Me posted on Oct 26 2006 at 02:12 AM said:
sighphur posted on Oct 25 2006 at 04:00 PM said:
DosEMU runs FAR quicker than Dosbox in Linux. Has anyone thought about trying to port dosemu to the gp2x?
That sounds intriguing. You should post this under the "Cool Ideas" section and see if anyone bites! ;)

Will do!
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sighphur posted on Oct 26 2006 at 12:00 AM said:
DosEMU runs FAR quicker than Dosbox in Linux. Has anyone thought about trying to port dosemu to the gp2x?

If you think about it or read their site you'll notice it's faster because it doesn't emulate the cpu,
which also means it only runs on x86 cpus.
Wheras the gp2x features an? arm right.
So, no way.
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Has anyone been successful in getting "the incredible machine" (1993) to run on the gp2x ported Dosbox 0.65? I can get it to run fine on the original dosbox 0.65, but not on the gp2x.


# fulldouble -- Use double buffering.
# output -- Can only be Surface for the gp2x.
# sensitivity -- Mouse sensitivity.
# mapperfile -- File used to load/save the key/event mappings from.



# machine -- The type of machine tries to emulate:hercules,cga,tandy,pcjr,vga.
# memsize -- Amount of memory dosbox has in megabytes.


# core -- CPU Core used in emulation: simple,normal,full.
# Try simple first as this is the fastest, then normal and last full
# cycles -- Amount of instructions dosbox tries to emulate each millisecond.
# Too low and the game will crash randomly / not start up
# Too high and expect slowness
# Just right and you will get a nice speed boost
# 600-1200 ish seems to be about the sweet spot for the things I've tested. (older games)
# cycleup -- Amount of cycles to increase/decrease with keycombo.
# cycledown Setting it lower than 100 will be a percentage.


# nosound -- Enable silent mode, sound is still emulated though.
# rate -- Mixer sample rate, setting any devices higher than this will
# probably lower their sound quality.
# blocksize -- Mixer block size, larger blocks might help sound stuttering
# but sound will also be more lagged.
# prebuffer -- How many milliseconds of data to keep on top of the blocksize.


# sbtype -- Type of sblaster to emulate:none,sb1,sb2,sbpro1,sbpro2,sb16.
# sbbase,irq,dma,hdma -- The IO/IRQ/DMA/High DMA address of the soundblaster.
# mixer -- Allow the soundblaster mixer to modify the dosbox mixer.
# oplmode -- Type of OPL emulation: auto,cms,opl2,dualopl2,opl3.
# On auto the mode is determined by sblaster type.
# All OPL modes are 'Adlib', except for CMS.
# oplrate -- Sample rate of OPL music emulation.


# gus -- Enable the Gravis Ultrasound emulation.
# gusbase,irq1,irq2,dma1,dma2 -- The IO/IRQ/DMA addresses of the
# Gravis Ultrasound. (Same IRQ's and DMA's are OK.)
# gusrate -- Sample rate of Ultrasound emulation.
# ultradir -- Path to Ultrasound directory. In this directory
# there should be a MIDI directory that contains
# the patch files for GUS playback. Patch sets used
# with Timidity should work fine.


# pcspeaker -- Enable PC-Speaker emulation.
# pcrate -- Sample rate of the PC-Speaker sound generation.
# tandy -- Enable Tandy Sound System emulation (off,on,auto).
# For auto Tandysound emulation is present only if machine is set to tandy.
# tandyrate -- Sample rate of the Tandy 3-Voice generation.
# disney -- Enable Disney Sound Source emulation.


# xms -- Enable XMS support.
# ems -- Enable EMS support.
# umb -- Enable UMB support (false,true,max).


# lines of code to boot the dos program go here
mount C "/mnt/sd/dosbox/incredible"