WOW, those look Fucking AMAZING! :lol:
I didn't think those clowns at the mould factory where capable of that kind of quality! It's taken a life time, but it looks like the wait may have been worth it afterall. I think the pink looks nice also, and should be added to the lineup to help intice the female crowd into purchase.
Really nice work team Pandora, you guys deserve a huge THANK YOU! Now, let's hope the cases will ship soon, as having nice pictures means "Nothing" if they don't arrive in the UK anytime soon for assembly.
If all the 1000 cases look that nice, I think you guys should green light the remaining 4000-9000 cases ASAP! Strike while the irons hot, before the mould factory slips back into old habits!
Hey Ed, how about a weekend blog update in regards to what shipping has happened, or will happen this week, and when we should expect assembly to start? If Carig is expecting everything next week, the team should have a tentative plan in place on when everything plans to start, and when team members should be arriving at Craig's Pleasure Palace!
Let's Rock N Roll! The concert is a few years late, but it still looks to KICK ASS!