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There is a kind of spray paint that actually bonds with plastic, which means it will never chip or wear off. I know that Krylon Fusion is one brand, but I'm having trouble finding it, or an alternative in the UK. Anyway, if you're in the US you should be able to get your hands on some with ease should you want to change the colour of your Pandora.
All looking fantastic. We've 'seen' the finishing line before, some way off in the mist for it turn out to be a mirage.

But have to believe this time the end is in view and I think it might be time to get excited. Again :D

So back to speculation.... Gotta take a couple of weeks to get parts to UK, a couple of weeks to build... so I'm pretty optimistic about getting mine mid May.

Of course that assumes top 1k on the list, but now is no time to worry about details...

PS Even the previously mentioned crack on the speaker cover can't dent my enthusiasm at this point.
Mjlink said:
WOW, cases are HOT!!!

Would love a status update/updated roadmap type of thing with sugar on top!

Peace & Cannapsules,

I think everyone is looking for an update at this point, but I'm sure the team wants to make sure the details are based on fact, and not speculation at this point. So I'm sure when they have exact shipping info, and proper delivery estimates, they will pass them along.

Hopefully we'll all know more by monday!

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Yea, Those cases look sick. Please tell me you told them to go ahead I produce the remaining 9,000 or so cases, because those shits are DONE! They look svelte. Like they want to be touched and caressed.
Pink cases? Would of loved a white, red or blue one but not sure about the pink. Either way though I really don't care what colour it is as long as it's here soon :)
I'm sure this has been asked already, but...since there's no point in throwing anything away...who gets the pink case?

By the way, who has fallen in love with the Pandora all over again?

I have.
Sugar_Kane said:
There is a kind of spray paint that actually bonds with plastic, which means it will never chip or wear off. I know that Krylon Fusion is one brand, but I'm having trouble finding it, or an alternative in the UK. Anyway, if you're in the US you should be able to get your hands on some with ease should you want to change the colour of your Pandora.

Well, I used such paint for my white GP32 NLU years ago and was playing daily... didn't wear off yet :)
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EvilDragon said:
Well, I used such paint for my white GP32 NLU years ago and was playing daily... didn't wear off yet :)
Then I'd like to know what kind or brand of colour to use. I'd like to dress my Pandora in dark blue :-)
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i would get mine cobalt blu if possible (at least the top lid)
i like it on my ds and i feel it looks clean no matter what.