New Android Based Portable Consoles


Still Fresh
Jun 22, 2011
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hi guys,

I wanted to know if some of you have seen this new portable devices. They claim to have a 1ghz cpu and a dedicated gpu; they run android...

What do you think?

I'm still looking for something superior to my Caanoo. I don't really like Pandora so that's out of the question.

Here is one:

Let me add this video:

Here's the biggest model:


There's a thread about the JXD S7100 which is quite old now. It's nothing special, if you ask me, but I don't own it. It seems to me that every chinese android handheld is failing at some important point. The GCW Zero looks like maybe the last project in the best sense of open handhelds and although qbertaddict bashed me in one of his youtube comments(still don't know exactly why he did so), I still hope the Zero will see some success.
btw: Aren't you the guy, trying to port Daphne to the Caanoo? Did you give up or is the Caanoo just too slow for laserdisc games?
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Akabei said:

I've read it but it doesn't say much about it; seems like they changed the name of the product also.

Akabei said:
but I don't own it. It seems to me that every chinese android handheld is failing at some important point.

What do you mean? I've read the specs., seen some videos and sounds not only to have more future because it's based on Android... but also seems to perform better than the Caanoo in PSX, SNES and even N64.

Akabei said:
btw: Aren't you the guy, trying to port Daphne to the Caanoo? Did you give up or is the Caanoo just too slow for laserdisc games?

Yes, it's me but it took to much time to get it working and I have tons of work. So, I had to put it down :(
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Here's an example on one of the failures.

and there are more, like one of the Yinlips didn't like it, if you pressed more than one button at once(IIRC the Ydpg18), the JXD S7100 doesn't have shoulder buttons(so it's useless for SNES, PSX and N64).

Here's another example what might go wrong, if the hardware developer has no idea about gaming at all.

It looks like the JXD S601 is still the best(and cheapest) chinese android handheld, but it's far from perfect and you'll have to ask an owner of the device, if it's worth the hassle of installing a custom firmware.
soundlag is more to do with the emulator than the hardware. If the video maker wants sound fixed he should try md.emu .
I get soundlag in vice but not frodo.

I think what the android systems lack is the emulator devs from the gp2x scene
Thank you for both replies.

I must say I agree that the biggest problem is software and the lack of a real development community. The hardware, letting out of the scene the one that was lacking those buttons I must say it seems better, and even with the Android OS (like it or not) it has more future than our systems.

Maybe we could migrate to those systems, what do you think? Start developing for those machines... or maybe do a serious analysis, pick one and open a new section here.

Let's embrace the future ;)


Besides the absolutely microscopic storage on it, I still stand by the fact that the Xperia Play is THE best android gaming system at the moment... still on gingerbread, but the touchscreen response is phenominal, the speed is quite good on a wide range of games, although it doesn't support tegra2 games and stuff. And no sound lag (as far as I've noticed anyways...), it was made by the big boys for mobile gaming and it does it considerably well all things considered...
I've to say that the JXD consoles are pretty good. They are really suitable for old-school gaming and homebrews, mainly because they are powerful, with many buttons and pads which is missing on most of android portable devices.
For a very affordable price (less than 100$) you have the best of two worlds : android market and JXD custom apps / specific homebrews. I have the S601 and S5110, both of them looks like sony devices (respectively PSP and PSVita).
But i do prefer the S5110 that has clearly the best quality/price ratio. I've begun to port my Pandora apps/emus on it, and it's really convenient using Android SDK & NDK.
I don't think so, but it should be out in the next few weeks.

Archos is an European company (French), maybe we can expect a build quality a bit higher than the usuals chinese multinedia gadgets...
kouky said:
I don't think so, but it should be out in the next few weeks.

Archos is an European company (French), maybe we can expect a build quality a bit higher than the usuals chinese multinedia gadgets...
I don't think, they 'll build it in france, but maybe the quality control is better.
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