Release NEON (My first Indie title)

Pandora version of NEON will be late as I have incurred some data loss(read loads of data loss) and the PC version is taking it's time as the backup I had is older than I thought (2 weeks old, a lifetime to the coder), and yes I should have anticipated delays after announcing the Pandora version would be out's never that simple
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Pandora version of NEON will be late as I have incurred some data loss(read loads of data loss) and the PC version is taking it's time as the backup I had is older than I thought (2 weeks old, a lifetime to the coder), and yes I should have anticipated delays after announcing the Pandora version would be out's never that simple
Good luck mate, if you need any help with anything, you know where I am!
Sorry to hear of your lost work. The game does look great and I think many would def buy the PC version anyway, inspite of the kind offer to put the Pandora version out for free!
Thanks for all the kind replies. I have the game building again...and it's weeded of a few dozen bugs so with a lot of hard work and no sleep things should be good for a weekend release...*crosses fingers*. Also scary thought, this is now *officially* my job... :o
Also scary thought, this is now *officially* my job... :o
This would indeed scare me.

I mean you cannot realistically expect that this will suffice to pay all your bills and food. I do have great respect for your skills and I'm sure you'll make money out of your work (I for one will buy any resonably priced indie PND).

But in today's market (where every thing is free in the mind of many), selling PC indie dont allow to pay your bill. And if your game is successfull enough than your work will just end up on the piratebay and you still wont make enough maney to live.

Our community isn't large enough to sustain your need either. You wont have the piratcy problem for Pandora (I will fight pirate f***ng hard even if I dont plan any indies, and I know for sure I wont be alone in this fight), but counting that we'll be 8000 at peak time, and counting that 10% of that pool will pay for your work (I still have pink tint glasses here, expect less than that) you can expect £1600 at most, within the whole lifetime of the game (you'll be lucky to reach £200 on release month, in fact this would be an achievement on its own...)

I always though this would be some kind of side job. You know the kind of job that allow you to pay your yearly holiday's trip.

If not, I'm scared for you.

PS: I hope I havent killed your dreams. I dont want to say it is impossible. I just want you grounded. You can still be as successfull as minecraft authors, but the odd put you in the steelstorm category (Have a talk with them. Their game is excelent, I love it. But their release have been completly hidden by the minecraft one and they got near no preorder even if the game is that good).

Make this a side job. hopefully one day, this side job will allow you to make more money than your day job and you'll switch.



If not, I'm scared for you.

PS: I hope I havent killed your dreams. I dont want to say it is impossible. I just want you grounded. You can still be as successfull as minecraft authors, but the odd put you in the steelstorm category (Have a talk with them. Their game is excelent, I love it. But their release have been completly hidden by the minecraft one and they got near no preorder even if the game is that good).

Make this a side job. hopefully one day, this side job will allow you to make more money than your day job and you'll switch.



Yeah, I'm secretly hoping for one great game to "go all Minecraft" but right now I'm doing stuff for Android, Intel's Netbook App store and basically anywhere else I can release games(currently not iDevices, maybe Mac if I learn to use Unity), but I'm not looking to try and rely on(read: Exploit) the community to sustain me. Maybe one day I'll sell a Pandora game. Maybe even some DLC, I even emailed Craig about it, but for now Pandora games are like a branched version of any Linux/Android game I make and as the recipient of the free Pandora I feel it's my duty to release games for the platform. I'm also planning on making loads of small games rather than a few big ones, hopefully that'll increase my chances of making some money. Also living with the folks helps...Tbh I'm not looking to make loads of money, just enough to get by then maybe get a team together then some investment before I try and expand.
Doing Android work? What kind of stuff you working on for the android? I would love to see someone port Hatari over so I can play Dungeon Master on my Droid....

If you can list any titles for the Droid you have out, I will check them out and maybe give you some support by buying a few titles.

And hang in there on the coding. You will get it done!
Not got anything out on Android yet..have a port of NEON in the works, then another puzzle game soon after, then a space game. My choice was either start my own studio or keep sitting in the unemployment line so I took the bull by the horns and started up...even with just self-employment tax credits I should be better off.
I felt I really didn't have a choice, the job centre were pushing for me to get a job and they are scarce around here. So I decided that instead of having the job centre breathe down my neck every fortnight about how I didn't get the the 2-3 hour a week job I'd make the jump and hope for the best...basically
self employment in software development is a bitch

I used to build payment (visa card, 0800 numbers) and streaming video software for, euh, *self employed women*

market changed, my biggest income generator became worthless

had to find another job

job centre wanted me to take on some crap job removing viruses from people's computers *sigh, clean up your own filth*

those idiots tought i was good with computers because i knew where to find the network settings in the windows control panel :P

several years / crap jobs later:

now i have a decent job as a software tester / maintaining our private debian repo :) <= lot's of fun

right, this thread was about a puzzle game ;)

/me request a vid of the game running on a pandora :P
Right, will get a video up warned my camera is crap and it's BEST video quality it can record is 320x240 so I apologise in advance.
Sorry about the lack of updates, I've been a bit busy setting up my studio, getting contract work etc. NEON is still in development, now aiming at Android and Pandora. I apologise but the best time frame I can give is the next month for so as I'm a bit busy working with another studio on an XNA game.