Release Piratebaby (Tentative Title)


Founder of Pirate Games - Penjin Coder
Staff member
Dec 8, 2005
Hi guys, I'm here to announce my game/toy for the coding compo.
EDIT: Also any suggestions for a better name for the project would be welcome!

Long story short the idea is to create a simple cross-platform virtual pet type affair.

I'm coding and Dragons_Slayer is doing graphics (Yup he is also working on his own game that looks awesome...)

I've worked a lot of the ideas out both in my head and on my notepad, and I'm wanting this to be a fun and funny baby virtual pet thing that you can raise.
You will be able to raise different babies including the Pirate Baby(hence the title) Ninja, Skeleton, etc and all depending on how well you look after it. I've put some code together, including getting Penjin2(also tentative) to a functional state, so this project will be a debut of Penjin2 also.
I'm going away on Wednesday and I have a long-assed flight so I'm hoping to get some good coding time done then! :P

I'm pretty sure the fact that I will become a father fairly soon is a strong influence in this idea.

And that's currently all I have to say right now, hopefully D_S can show some of the artwork soon, as I would like to see it too! :D
And hopefully I can show some actual engine shots when I have a bit more of the game itself finished.
sounds interesting!

some time ago i was thinking about that idea, too. but i wanted kittens and items and an item store and what not and of course for the iphone.
and a few days later exactly that app appeared. so i scrapped that idea.

looking forward for to some screens and images! seems like it's getting a tough competition (which is good)

EDIT: Also any suggestions for a better name for the project would be welcome!
we got that problem with PaperWars as well :P ... how about pandagotchi ;) ... you see, i'm not the most creative one if it comes to names :D
Well thanks for the positive response so far, and also name suggestions. I'll say again that it is intended to be a multi-platform game, so I don't really want to specifically tie the name to one system either!

And thanks for the congratulations comments, indeed it's an exciting time, to think there will be a little version of me in just a couple of months time... O_O
PokeParadox said:
indeed it's an exciting time, to think there will be a little version of me in just a couple of months time... O_O
Not exactly a copy of you. But well if you like to see yourself as someone that only eat, sleep and cry :D
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PokeParadox said:
I'll say again that it is intended to be a multi-platform game, so I don't really want to specifically tie the name to one system either!

Who made a system-specific suggestion?
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Mini Ninjas? Wait, that's taken... damn.

It would be cool if you could completely customize the object/beast/WHY of burden in appearance and shape (like importing your own images...) and maybe have the choice to add scenarios, items, etc.
Miner49er said:
Who made a system-specific suggestion?
Sorry, it may or may not have been implied, but I thought you did. :) The point still stands though!

Com64 said:
Mini Ninjas? Wait, that's taken... damn.

It would be cool if you could completely customize the object/beast/WHY of burden in appearance and shape (like importing your own images...) and maybe have the choice to add scenarios, items, etc.
I still have some though on how to allow something like this, but not 100% sure.

Also I couldn't work as much as I wanted to on the plane because I was soooo drained. But I'm back on the case now I'm safely at the other side of the world with my wife, and not having to go to work...
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Bit more progress:
I have been working on the interface aspect of things and I have a menu panel that drops down from the top of the screen.

I'll be adding things like giving the food etc into this bar. I'm hoping soon I'll have enough things done to actually get some proper in-game screen for you, although I'm still working with my place-holder GFX...

Nevertheless we are progressing, more bugs are being fixed in Penjin2 and I hope to get this to a nice state for the compo deadline... we will see! :)
Just late night thoughts: don't name after the tinies, name after the player (creator? ; )
PirateParent :) (Or PenjinParent if you like, free advertising for the new engine : )


p.s. PiratePapa
PenjinDaddy (that sounds wrong somehow :P)
MarkoeZ said:
Just late night thoughts: don't name after the tinies, name after the player (creator? ; )
PirateParent :) (Or PenjinParent if you like, free advertising for the new engine : )


p.s. PiratePapa
PenjinDaddy (that sounds wrong somehow :P )
PiratePapa/PiratePappy has a nice ring to it... hmmm the gears are turning!
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Just a quick note that Uni has posted some info about PirateBaby along with the first screenshot here:

I've been out of action for a couple of days and now it's back to work!
Well the good news is my baby boy is born and he's good and healthy. Also for the moment at least, he's quite calm and sleeps a lot. This means (again... at the moment) I can watch over him while he sleeps and work on PirateBaby then...

We'll see how this works out in practice...

Anyway to business, I present a WIP video of PirateBaby:

Still much work to do, but as you can see in the video the basics are now there.
Quick update... The good news is that you should get a playable version of PirateBaby for the compo deadline.
The semi-bad news is while it will be playable, it will also be considered preview/beta status since I haven't been able to finish anywhere near all the modes/Babies evultion paths I wanted to.

Recent updates:
  • Implemented splashscreen ready for when the RIOTdigital splash is ready.
  • PenjinPrescale is working, you can now change the resolution from the BaseResolution
  • I have a few more images from Dragons_Slayer so it looks nicer.
  • implemented health,illness,hunger, toilet functions...

No screenies yet, but hopefully I'll get the rest of the final images and I can make a pre-release video and screenies in due course!
Little update - Worked some more on my scaling algorithm:
