I wish I brought it with me!!


Island Man with Pandora in my pocket
Feb 15, 2003
I went to see Matrix Reloaded last night, and I sat in the theater for a good 2 hours before the movie started just doing nothing. Now, ya see, If I brought my GP32 with me I COULD HAVE watched near to the entire first Matrix movie before the sequel started. Everybody had their GBA's and GBA's, and GBA's and cell phones with them. You could see almost the whole audience playing games before the movie. If I brought my GP32 *DAMN ME* I COULD have put all those other losers and their handhelds to shame. I could have been thinking in my head at the time*I am watching the Matrix on my MoviePark and you guys sit their staring at a teeny tiny screen, pushing teeny tiny cell phone buttons playing breakout. *NOT that breakout isn't a great game. BUT you get the idea.
SO there you go. I said my piece. Now next time, I am bringing it just BECAUSE! ;-)
Im going to see Matrix reloaded next Wednesday when its released in UK cinemas. To have it on my GP32 would be so awesome. LOL Id say to people look at this Im only watching THE MATIX RELOADED on my GP32! They'll be so jealous :P
True... Take it along with a compressed (OK, it'd have to be pirated, but you'd delete it afterwards, I'm sure) ver of Matrix reloaded, and be sitting there in the cinema watching it on two screens at once - see what people say lol :)

I fully intend to take mine along to any trips where there'll be a receptive group of people willing to be shown the true light :)
I'm taking the same stance on movies that other people take on ROMs.

I've paid my $8 to watch the movie, so now I have the right to put that movie on whatever format I want. I'm going to "port" it over to VCD later tonight.
Speaking of which, I've seen a sample of Matrix 2, and the screener quality is terrible. Visual movies like this need to be seen in a real cinema with surround sound, atmosphere and a huge screen with perfect quality. I have rips of a few movies, but something like this, I'd wait for a DVD/SVCD rip at least. The sound is pretty bad on the version out already.

- Rico
heh. i'm planning on seeing it at the cinemas, downloading it off the internet, buying a pirate copy, then buying it on DVD :D some what of a matrix freak! but yeh, gp32 = essential for long waits
TJFBryant posted on May 15 2003 said:
I went to see Matrix Reloaded last night, and I sat in the theater for a good 2 hours before the movie started just doing nothing. Now, ya see, If I brought my GP32 with me I COULD HAVE watched near to the entire first Matrix movie before the sequel started. Everybody had their GBA's and GBA's, and GBA's and cell phones with them. You could see almost the whole audience playing games before the movie. If I brought my GP32 *DAMN ME* I COULD have put all those other losers and their handhelds to shame. I could have been thinking in my head at the time*I am watching the Matrix on my MoviePark and you guys sit their staring at a teeny tiny screen, pushing teeny tiny cell phone buttons playing breakout. *NOT that breakout isn't a great game. BUT you get the idea.
SO there you go. I said my piece. Now next time, I am bringing it just BECAUSE! ;-)
the names Chriton...

John Chriton :)
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Heh, im gonna go see the new matrix today. I will bring my gp32 even though I might not even have enough time to play it.

PS - I need some more smcs...cheap! They have to be in the usa too. So if anybody can give me any suggestions.
try ebuyer.com for 128MB SMC....it was 24.99 for me with free shipping and no tax!! IN THE US! quality SMC too..They are Samsung or Sandisk. I have 4 of them.