Need help to save cats near Paris


Hardcore Member
Feb 16, 2012
Paris, France
Hi all,

I'm in a quite difficult situation. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I've ended up with far too many cats in my apartment. Together with my girlfriend we've been actively trying to find people to adopt them, but my neighbors complained to the town hall about the smell that this caused in the (non ventilated) staircase and now we've got one month to get them all out (or either we move out, which will be quite complicated, or they'll be put to sleep).

So if you (or anyone you know) live anywhere near Paris and want to adopt a cat (or more or are willing to foster one (or more) until we find a family (which takes a few months for the younger and can take much longer for the older), don't hesitate to tell me. Also don't hesitate to spread the word.

How old are they? I can't get one myself (I have one already), but I can spread the word (you can PM me in French if you want)
We have four baby kittens (one month old) but for them we need à foster family with a cat who could act as a foster parent until they are ready . Other than that most of them are about six months old, and we have a few older ones as well. 

You can find more informations and pictures on

Please note that due to the circumstances, the cost can be negociated if it is blocking.

@Klumpen we might try the SPA as a last resort, as they do put to sleep cats when they don't have room for them (which is most of the time). The youngest and friendliest will have their chance, but the older ones probably won't.
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You really need to find someone that's qualified to foster cats and there are organisations just like that..

Perhaps giving the people @ a call and offering to donate might be ideal :) (Still cheaper than moving and the cats are guaranteed to be rehomed)
OK I made a Facebook post, I hope it will bring some positive attention to your action. Thank you!
Really ? How is that consistent with their mission ? 

It's the same in Germany. If there are too many animals of a kind, they kill all the ones they won't get someone for anyway. It's really sad, but that's how it is. Since those animals are usually checked and free of deseases, they could give them to the meat industry instead of completely wasting those and raising others animals for meat. The way it's handled now is cruel AND inefficient, but people are too speciesistic to eat dog/cat/etc... and this bs will go on.
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Thanks for your help and suggestions. 

We've already asked other organizations (we are actually such an organization, a small one but still) for help. They're all already at max capacity and then some, but we might be able to get a few out this way. I guess the SPA will be the last resort.
We have four baby kittens (one month old) but for them we need à foster family with a cat who could act as a foster parent until they are ready . Other than that most of them are about six months old, and we have a few older ones as well. 


Wow, how many cats do you have?

Did you allow them to breed? If so why?
About 20, we were never supposed to get that many. And no, we don't allow them to breed. We're not cat hoarders, the plan was always to find people to adopt them (actually we got more than 20 cats adopted already).

My girlfriend was a member of an organization that took care of abandonned cats and found people to adopt them. Some come from people who found them on the streets other were rescued from the pound where they would have been put to sleep. Earlier this year, we got many cats at once. They were all supposed to go to other foster families, but the organization turned its back on us and left us on our own.

So we made our own organization to find people to adopt them. But it looks like it went too slowly for the neighbors.
Are there no animal shelters around? People usualy watch there first if they want to buy Animals so maybe you can give the Cats to these Shelters?
Shelters are organizations (including the aformentioned SPA). As I wrote, they're all pretty much constantly at over capacity. That's why we're trying to find adopters and foster families first.