Need help to find a cheap pump


Advanced Member
Oct 18, 2009
A bit strange, but I am a lazy piece of crap and don't want to mop up the water after cleaning my bathroom. It gets freaking wet, since I have to shower the tiles of the wall (don't ask why, my GF wants me to do it). So I am planning to get an aquarium pump with a tube to the lowest point of my bathroom (it has kind of a "sink") and another tube the shower.

I am looking for something like this:


Which in fact can't be bought, since it is an image of a different product which costs 400 instead of 20 Euros.

Does someone know by chance a place where I can find something like this for around 20-50 Euros? Or a new girlfriend? I will take whatever is cheaper ;).

Edit: Found it
Batteriebetriebene Wasser-Pumpe (482), Transfer jede Flüssigkeit in Minuten


Amazon product ASIN B000WXJYR0
Hi Rohezal, long time no see. So uhm... desperate enough needs to ask the boards? (thanks for the reliance)

I hope your solution works, if that is the case, do not read further...

An alternative would be a small 5 volt aquarium waterpump (2 euro). Connect it to a digispark(1euro) connected to a USB extension cable to power the DigiSpark (not lethal in wet environments) with a microswitch (from an old mouse). Some arduino-IDE software (Windows required?) to enable the 5V from a pin when pressing the microswitch and some soft hose. For a more automated setup, consider a watersensor or a raindrop sensor (but I'm not sure how reliable these are). But the hose is only 0.4mm in diameter and can get stuck with hairs and dirt. so you would need a filter (cigarette bud from outside) too.
I can't get a handle on your bathroom. If it can hold water it sounds like it's built as a wet room, so should have a drain at the lowest point. But if it weren't a wet room, the water would be pouring through your floorboards, so I guess it must be a weird wet room.

The cheapest method is to use a syphon; a simple length of pipe. Suck in dirty water until it goes well past the highest point in the pipe (hold it up if you need to) then the weight and inertia of the water will pull the rest through. Try not to get any in your mouth, but if it's just soapy water then just rinsing your mouth out should be fine.
Just get a cheap preassure pump from, 5€, can run dry without damage, runs from standard usb voltage and can push water to some heigh whereas aquarium pumps only reach 10cm or so.
Most important: thank you for your replies :). It is good to be back, the pandora / pyra boards are the friendliest and calmest place on the internet I know.

"I can't get a handle on your bathroom. If it can hold water it sounds like it's built as a wet room, so should have a drain at the lowest point. But if it weren't a wet room, the water would be pouring through your floorboards, so I guess it must be a weird wet room."

It is a bit like right one one but more uneven and a small elevation for the door. So it can hold around 5-10 cm of Water. It is quite uneven, so it has a bump in the floor in the center of the room. No drain, the floor is just a few centimeters lower (and a bit higher in the corners). I would like to move the water from the bump into the toilet after spraying the toilet, walls and floor with high pressure hot water and a cleaning agent.

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