N64 For Gp2x

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Never say never, but highly unlikely unless a serious wizard coder whips up a HLE version ala CORN or UltraHLE and uses the OpenGL software renderer to translate the polys, but I don't see it being all that fast even if it works.

I can hope tho!
Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 23 2005 at 12:50 AM said:
nik166 posted on Dec 22 2005 at 10:59 PM said:
i'm quite sure N64 can't run perfectly on the GP2X, but i can't wait to play goemon on a handheld! :D

You can play it right now :rolleyes:

The PC Engine emu supports it ;)
sir, i believe you lack of some "context sensitivity" :P

and the SNES ones are way better! :P

but the N64 ones are MAGIC! :D
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geniv posted on Dec 23 2005 at 02:40 AM said:
didn't rumor has it that Nintendo was so afraid of his talent and that he can can eventulaly make a near perfect N64 emulator that runs on low end machine without 3D hardware that they have the guy killed?

he wouldn't do that, the reason why corn was so fast is that it had a VERY LOW compatibility, so even from him, a perfect emu wouldn't run on such a low-spec system, that's the balance of HLE , speed OR perfect emulation ;)
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nickspoon posted on Dec 23 2005 at 01:03 PM said:
Stop taking nonsensical remarks and trying to make sense of them.

ok, i won't make any sense of this one then :P
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Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 22 2005 at 09:44 PM said:
geniv posted on Dec 23 2005 at 03:40 AM said:
Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 22 2005 at 10:34 PM said:
God Ginrai posted on Dec 23 2005 at 03:22 AM said:
I'm doing all the research on ContraSF and his emulator as I can. Hopefully I'll be able to turn up some leads as to where he might be. Maybe I'll find contact details that work. I'll keep you guys updated.

Hopefully I can find him, as of right now, it seems he's simply disappeared from the net. :\

Yeah he's gone... Heck he doesn't even release 0.3 of Corn, someone who had that version released it instead of him afaik. I don't know what happened to him, but there are only 2 possibilities: He got hired and doesn't need to show off his skills anymore and second posibility: he died :o

didn't rumor has it that Nintendo was so afraid of his talent and that he can can eventulaly make a near perfect N64 emulator that runs on low end machine without 3D hardware that they have the guy killed?

Nah, Corn was never meant to be a perfect N64 Emulator ;)

It was more like an experiment, a damn successfull one though. And he didn't continue it for the simple reason that it was a success. One need to understand that he didn't make that emu to make Nintendo lose some million dollars, he made it to show that Emulation on a really low spec system could be possible this way... Infact Corn made inferrior hardware(pentium 1 under WINDOWS!) play games of a superior Hardware(N64, without windows ;)) -quite fascinating isn't it?

I don't know if there are any >Contra-FS'< out there... However nothing's impossible but I've come to the conclusion that realtime running PS1 3D games are more likely than a decent N64 Emulator like corn on the gp2x...

I found a web interview with him from after he released the first version of corn. The way he responded to the questions made it seem like emulation was a passion to him. I don't think he'd give it up just like that. Also, the reason he stopped working on Corn is because his host, who had been beta testing v0.3, was sent an email from someone posing to be ContraSF telling him to go ahead and release the beta. The host thought that it was the real one, and released it.ContraSF was not happy about that, and so just stopped working on Corn.
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This may be an old-skool thread, but a working N64 emulator for PSP has just been released for 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0. I almost killed someone when Sony updated my PSP to 2.6 when I sent it in for repairs (after bricking from Flashmod, whoops), guess I'll have to trade with a friend.
Fanjita posted on May 1 2006 at 05:33 PM said:
This may be an old-skool thread, but a working N64 emulator for PSP has just been released for 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0. I almost killed someone when Sony updated my PSP to 2.6 when I sent it in for repairs (after bricking from Flashmod, whoops), guess I'll have to trade with a friend.
The psp has different archetecture, and it looks like it has an asm core for that processor, so nope.
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Just get a DS if you want to play Mario 64. I got one and it's great.
I actually wasn't implying that one would be possible for GP2x, but whatever.
Fanjita posted on May 1 2006 at 09:51 PM said:
I actually wasn't implying that one would be possible for PSP, but whatever.
So why the hell did you revive this thread?
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F*** you guys! I'm f***ing Fanjita! I'm a f***ing god in my scene. Loubear, my advice to you, go f*** yourself.

End tell/rant

[EDIT] Ha, Loubear sounds like fubar. Sorry.
Errrrrrm wtf. You only signed up yesterday? What justification do you have to warrant your acting like this?
I apologize for my ranting, I just got a GP2x (after buying 4 extra PSPs)

This scene seems nicer. I'll be good from now on.

P.S. I was kidding up there (the whole rant part), if you couldn't tell.
I would be careful, this could cause a ban. It was absolutely clear that it will never be possible, so just chill and say something more usable and without soo much *s.
Fanjita posted on May 1 2006 at 06:27 PM said:
F*** you guys! I'm f***ing Fanjita! I'm a f***ing god in my scene. Loubear, my advice to you, go f*** yourself.

End tell/rant

[EDIT] Ha, Loubear sounds like fubar. Sorry.
great. another 10 year old.

Please stop spamming, trolling, and grave-digging. thanks in advance.
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