My Pandora's Life In 2010..


Island Man with Pandora in my pocket
Feb 15, 2003
Since the first day of preordering and waiting for what seemed like an eternity for my Pandora to arrive. Every month that passes I find a new use for this amazing device.
So (for me) This device deserves at the very least the "obscure Handheld device of 2010", or, at best, the overall "Best handheld of the year".

During the 1st month I've had emu's up and running, homebrew, apps, and interpreters. I was using Google Chrome for my internet, and watched as I taught myself to work with Linux (as originally I was a Windows/ MAC based user.)

A Month later I had my amazing adopted son arrive at our door step. and we had to write a "dear Birthmom letter" as part of our adoption agreement. Little did I know.... (While on Vacation 1000 miles away by car.) I would be writing the letter in the car ride out and back from our vacation on the Pandora... all whilst connecting to Wifi at one of the Pit Stops and emailing the file to the agency to be sent out. Almost at the end of our way back, I used the internet via Chrome to Google Map a quicker way back home.

Months later we had a house party to which end everyone wanted some Jazz Music playing... So I hooked up my Pandora using Exaile thru Shoutcast....and blasted streaming music through a 400 watt speaker system outside in our back yard.

Weeks ago I used my Pandora as a "small" display screen slideshow for my Photography business booth display. Once those Tv out cables come in. I'll hook it up to my projection system and use it for display purposes within my booth, AS WELL as Video player connected to my 42 inch flat screen.

Last week I logged in to my work station via remote desktop all from the conveninece of my nice warm bed.

and finally, Now moments ago... Thanks to Notaz I've been able to play PSX games I haven't touched in over 13 years, of course With solid optimised PSX emulation.

So after all the months that have gone by, my Pandora truly gets better and better. Local interest from friends and co-workers get bigger and more intense. I can't find a single reason for anyone to doubt the ability of the Open Pandora team or doubt the versatility of the Pandora.

It is essentially my one device that does simply everything I want it to do, regardless of where I am, and what I am currently doing.
All those who are losing hope and feel they have been strung along by the awesomness of this device. My suggestion is to stick around. Wait for it. No, it is not the most powerful handheld in the world". Yes it is the most fun and versatile though. Just watch those videos ED is posting nearly every day. See for yourself what amazing things you can do with this ultra portable tech device.
Its MORE than a gaming system. Its a netbook, its a media center, its a gaming center, its your office work station (via remote desktop).
Now I can't see myself without a Pandora. The Pandora lives in me!
(over the top but true).

HD Pictures to come of my system in action.
Please move to General Discussion... I do apologize.
It is pretty cool.Just got dvd rips working on it.But my lcd screen is flashes.Sending it back for repairs.
Will enjoy mucking about with it when it returns.Glad your enjoying the pandora.
Do you not have any problems with Chrome being unstable (I usually can only browse for a few minutes before it crashes, making it virtually useless)?
Azure said:
Do you not have any problems with Chrome being unstable (I usually can only browse for a few minutes before it crashes, making it virtually useless)?
Chromium works but last i tried it had issues.It didnt like secure sites like gmail and my ebay etc.dunno about chrome though.
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I find chromium to be more stable than Firefox: as a matter of fact I use it exclusively for checking these forums since FF borks every time I come across a thread with youtube videos embedded in it (pcsx rearmed thread for instance). Make sure you are using the latest version perhaps? (
I can access gmail and the like with Chromium, but I find that after a couple minutes of web browsing the page becomes unresponsive (and I get a message asking to kill the pages or to wait). It *always* happens, as if on cue...and clicking on "kill pages" doesn't ever end up doing anything (the tab stays open trying to load forever & forever).

I believe I have the latest version: (34027)
Azure said:
I can access gmail and the like with Chromium, but I find that after a couple minutes of web browsing the page becomes unresponsive (and I get a message asking to kill the pages or to wait). It *always* happens, as if on cue...and clicking on "kill pages" doesn't ever end up doing anything (the tab stays open trying to load forever & forever).

I believe I have the latest version: (34027)
Hmmm i find that firefox works well for me.Fennec had display issues and is finnicky.Chromium was not displaying a homepage and i just plain prefer firefox.
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TJFBryant said:
Weeks ago I used my Pandora as a "small" display screen slideshow for my Photography business booth display.

What software did you use for this?
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Pleng said:
TJFBryant said:
Weeks ago I used my Pandora as a "small" display screen slideshow for my Photography business booth display.

What software did you use for this?
i am pretty sure ristretto has a slideshow function
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hmm, does it? I always found ristretto lacking... I'll have to try again when I get Panda back
Yep Ristretto is what I used.

Its not such a bad piece of software ... at least for me.

The Pandora is so versatile. I had to share these experiences so those "waiting" end users understand they aren't waiting for nothing.
I can't imagine typing anything on that type of keyboard.

Sounds like you've never owned a netbook or android phone aswell.
ColdRush said:
I can't imagine typing anything on that type of keyboard.

Sounds like you've never owned a netbook or android phone aswell.
I've done quite a bit of typing on mine as well. More so than on any of the netbooks I've had. :lol:
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