My Pandora is a... Time Machine?!

Aug 20, 2010
(aside: "My Pandora is a..." Could be an excellent marketing scheme, emphasizing the inherent freedom in the device. Sans EULA, ED and Craigix are never going to sue me for using my device in the following, or any, way. Damn DMCA.)

Spoiler: Lots of explanatory text to set up the situation. Skip to the last paragraph for the big payoff.

My day job involves fixing all the issues coming from running a hospital's computer system. However, every once in a while, a new hospital system starts using the software we produce and everybody available flies out to those new hospitals to help users (doctors, nurses, schedulers, etc.) get acquainted with and answer any questions about the software, during the course of their day jobs. There are often questions I can't answer, many times about decisions I can't make for them (along the lines of, "but, if we changed this `hospital-specific policy, we could do our work that much faster." Things that are bugs, but not with the software) or about bugs in the software or systems that can't be worked around (like, "my computer is 7 years old and has half the required RAM. I don't need to requisition a new one, do I?").

In my before-the-Pandora-land, I just took notes, on a sheet of paper, to be turned into issue reports after the hospital closes. Unfortunately, there isn't time to do this during the day (I didn't even have time to eat from 7 AM to 7 PM, earlier this week) so I'm stuck rewriting my notes after hours. A day's worth of issues will usually take six or more hours to rewrite, so my working days in this situation are continuously 18+ hours long, which is bad when I'm the kind of person who really needs 8 - 10 hours of sleep a night because I'll probably get 4 - 6 at most.

This latest go-live, though, I thought I'd try something different. I brought my Pandora figuring that its 16 - 20 hour battery life might allow me to take notes than I could on paper (I've been using it for months like that at work). Something I didn't count on, though, was the, that allowed me to expand on and clean up my notes in-line, letting me finish my documentation in 3 hours. That's saving half the time in my documentation, which allowed me to get to sleep at 11 PM, instead of 2 AM. My Pandora created an extra 3 hours in my night. Thanks, guys, that's just fantastically awesome.
Right on! I've done the IT / system conversion thing before. I feel your pain. Glad you're getting some reprieve from using your Pandora though.