Pandora Experience

Alas no tech sites seem to want to believe it. So many companies have lied about their battery life that no one will report the 10+hours the Pandora gets as fact, they always surround it with something like 'they claim 10 hours battery life but we're betting that's on stand by!'

Make a timelapse video. A pandora showing something with action (looping game intro, video, etc) as long as the battery holds.
With a clock nearby, of course. :P
^ Naturally :P . I'm picturing an alarm clock on the table next to the pandora, but also a countup timer graphic so it's easier to see how much time has passed.
It is really 4200mah but underrated to 4000mah.

This was done by the battery manufacturer for reasons we don't really know.
It is really 4200mah but underrated to 4000mah.

This was done by the battery manufacturer for reasons we don't really know.

Probably like all lithium batteries chipped to stop it fully discharging, but for once a manufacturer sold it at its usable value instead of the raw...
It seems other companies are moving in the opposite direction: Nintendo 3DS average batterylife 4 hours? Yokoi must be spinning in his grave!
Reminds me of that day I spent on the train. I played Final Fantasy VII for like eight hours straight before the battery died. Ironically this was just before the train left Ingolstadt.