Having received my Pyra unit a few days ago, I'm just going to pen a few words on my opinion of it so far. I am not a Linux expert. I do indeed own 2 Pandora's (one 1Ghz model and one original model upgraded to 1Ghz as it had a better screen and nubs). I will admit I've not used them in quite some time though as I had in the meantime ventured more into the world of Raspberry Pi and Chinese handhelds. Nevertheless I was still very much looking forward to the Pyra, even though as at this time there's so few in the wild that software will in general be very primitive and optimized
I do like that with the back-lit keyboard and the logo LED's the Pyra is immediately a different looking machine to most. The keyboard will take a little bit of getting used to again, much like the Pandora back int he day. I did have issues with my initial startup, fitting the battery initially wasn't too difficult but I wasn't sure if the battery itself was completely drained or if it wasn't seated exactly right, as I only seemed to get a flashing red light most of the time. I know from reading other posts that one of the mini USB ports is probably better for charging, but I wasn't sure which one? I was attempting this late at night after work, so I got a bit fed up and decided to start again in the morning. The next day I still had the same issue, at this point I wasn't sure what the issue was, I had bought a spare battery so I tried that one instead. That worked but it's suck a tight fit int he case, I'm afraid of snapping the tabs if I have to take it out again.
Initial run wizard setup went fine. Nubs look very similar to the Pandora ones. Updated the base software via terminal then used the package manager to install a few tings. Is it possible to add the Pyra repo to that package manager to install DBP files directly? The old PND manager was very useful in that regard, very ahead of it's time in many ways. Installed a few games, Super Tux didn't seem to want to run. Tile World ran, but only fullscreen in the bottom left half of the screen. it was playable, but I couldn't figure out how to quit out without restarting my Pyra. Streets of Rage remake works great once fullscreen mode is turned off.
As it stands, most of my minor issues are ones that will surely be corrected with software development and firmware updates. Movement using the mouse feels like it has a tiny bit of lag to it, it's hard to describe. As it stands charging is very slow, I hope this can be optimized in due course
Some software I would be hoping to see when drivers are optimized are of course the Quake games, I would like to see the old Pandora port of Worlds of Padman reported for the Pyra, as I really enjoyed that as a shooter. Also as it originally diverged from Uae4all to Uae4arm and onwards, I would like to see a port of Amiberry someday!
That's all for now