Euthanasia ... well, why not?
Euthanasia ! Where the heck did that come from ? I thought the gist of this thread was wether people born disabled should be left as they are ( as it is part of some god's big plan (that god is such a shit) ) or wether science and medical knowledge should be allowed to improve the lives of those involved.
The ethical question is was it right to take steps to prevent her reaching puberty.
If this girl is permenantly going to have a mental age of three, is her life not going to be better if she does not have to deal with an adult body ? How would a three year old handle menstruation or sexual urges ?
Why does M e d i c i n e get replaced with [ spam word ] ??
@ Lubidog
As you point out, there is evidence of activity by Dec - but there is no evidence of activity of any gods. Also you cannot argue that because people have been ignorant for thousands of years and attributed things they could not explain to gods somehow gives any credance to the existence of divine beings. Mankind has believed all sorts of ludicrous crap that can now be more rationally explained. It was not that long ago we were burning witches and that masturbation was believed to be physically and mentally detrimental.