Attack on the queen in the netherlands

Mithrildor said:
Mark1970 said:
Indeed, people want someone to blame. Some guilty party. Some retribution. It makes it a little easier to handle. It's human nature - hairless monkeys that we are.
And we dont throw shit at each other (well not real shit more like words)
We celebrated the holiday today in my office with the Netherlands flag flying and cake for all. Unfortunately, no orange bitters this year.
lol I turned on the telly that day, also a day off from work.
I was busy on my computer... with my telly on on low volume. Then at 13:00 I was like, huh what happend? I've missed the live part.

Well... after a week it wasn't news anymore. Eveybody wants to forget about it and get on with their normal lives :)

( I hated the media mentioning the brand of the car... that's stupid)