My experience and first impression

Sorry I was talking about the general look of the brand, like logo, website, colors, patterns etc.. Everything you see related to pandora.
Speaking of XBMC, I have a project I'm working on to turn XBMC into a Pandora front-end. So far I have an application launcher and segfaulting application store (I still need to debug that damned thing). I've gotten one of the rom manager/database plugins to work as well, though I need to adapt it a bit to properly launch PNDs.
Nice. if I can be of any help ;)
Well if you compare pandora to boxee and xbmc, pandora is the least prettiest for example.

Sorry I was talking about the general look of the brand, like logo, website, colors, patterns etc.. Everything you see related to pandora.
It's meant to be that way (like a simple/retro look), because it's a community made product.

I queried that comparison in my previous post as well.
Yeah, we posted at the same time (i.e. I didn't refresh before pressing post and therefore missed yours).

Speaking of XBMC, I have a project I'm working on to turn XBMC into a Pandora front-end. So far I have an application launcher and segfaulting application store (I still need to debug that damned thing). I've gotten one of the rom manager/database plugins to work as well, though I need to adapt it a bit to properly launch PNDs.

I should do a proper release of this stuff...
Awesome~ I've never heard you mention this before, sounds cool. Looking forward to it. :)
Just out of curiosity when did you get your shipping confirmation, when did you buy and did you order premium?
Awesome~ I've never heard you mention this before, sounds cool. Looking forward to it. :)
And to think that I believed you never missed any post on these boards :P

This idea was started by Hackmodford back in 2010. At the time I wrote an xbmc application launching plugin which now powers the search functionality of my OVR editor. Since I didn't have a Pandora to test on at the time, I didn't work on it until about the end of May.

I did some work on wrapping Tempels appstore into an XBMC plugin but it was crashing with a segfault (libpnd). I didn't spend too much time debugging it yet. My plugin just replaced the GUI unit of PNDstore with an XBMC version without any changes in the backend code. Strangely enough, PNDstore wasn't experiencing this errors at all. I've made my own python libpnd wrapper in the meantime so I'm better equipped now to take a fresh look at it. I'll bump this a bit higher on the todolist.

Whoops, I've gone completely off-topic again. Apologies, it happens :)
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Interesting background story to all of this. Will follow from now on.

The todolist sure has some exciting stuff ahead of it! :)

As for not missing any threads, lol...well, I tend to skip threads that are heavy on talk of coding and scrips, hehe.
I queried that comparison in my previous post as well.
Yeah, we posted at the same time (i.e. I didn't refresh before pressing post and therefore missed yours).

Speaking of XBMC, I have a project I'm working on to turn XBMC into a Pandora front-end. So far I have an application launcher and segfaulting application store (I still need to debug that damned thing). I've gotten one of the rom manager/database plugins to work as well, though I need to adapt it a bit to properly launch PNDs.

I should do a proper release of this stuff...
speaking of xbmc i cant get this to load any music it keeps crashing?