Mario World Editor (lunar Magic)


Active Member
May 21, 2003
Eastbourne SE England
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You may want to check this out, looks really easy to use and possible to add your own graphics, not sure how far you could take this (ie: creating an almost original game) haven't tried it much myself yet.


no, totally GUI, really user friendly. Try it out it's only a 512k download.

Oh, and you'll also need the rom uncompressor, available at the above site.
[edit]...and the American rom[/edit]
This is cool. Thnks pubjoe

Here's something kind of like it for Harvest Moon on the SNES
I had it a while back (1 1/2 years ago or something) and it was great then
so they've probably made it a lot better. I looks like you can even change sprites and stuff now not just the levels. Check it out! :P
so if i'm reading the site wrong, if I make a new game out of super mario world using this editor, I can't distribute it for others to play??
Err.. I think your okay, I only remember reading about the game rom being illegal (as we all know), but the editor saves a patch that you can distribute. Which can then be applied to a rom with the software available on the site.
oh :unsure: . I've gotta admit, I havn't tested it on OS as I sold my GP a while ago.

I tried the demo level on PC snes9x which worked okay.

did you apply the patch to the rom and test it on the PC first?
ahhh well, sorry everyone if this doesn't work for the GP. I can't test it as I said earlier. Maybe it'll work on Intellecto's or ZJ's emus.

Please could anyone post if they get it to work for their GP?
Woah! I'll have some fun with this! (assuming it's usable) I have messed with similar sonic editors before but they didn't allow anything like this level of customisation, in such a user-friendly way. /me downloads
extremegamer posted on Feb 23 2004 at 03:44 PM said:
so if i'm reading the site wrong, if I make a new game out of super mario world using this editor, I can't distribute it for others to play??
Actually, last i heard, the edited rom itself can be distributed with the patch already placed in it, for lazy folk, but most sites put either both, or just one of them, in which more liky it would be the patch because of bandwidth issues
6MB is a big d/l, but a smaller d/l is faster and better

but hell, i might be crazy and hearing wtf people type and post

i'm not sure, but i think OSNES9x doesn't have support for an uncompressed rom, i'll check it out
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This is a pretty cool program. It is quite detailed and unbelievably easy to use. I had designed my first level after about 10 minutes.

Havent had chance to try it on GP yet, but is there any reason it wont work in general??

It works perfectly on pc snes9x, and seeing as though we have 2 good snes9x ports for the GP32, i hope it will work with at least one of them.