Gaming Pda

Tried castaway, mame, sarien and scumm on my ipaq. Allright for some mouse based atari games as you can use the stylus so strategy games are ok.

there are a lot of oter nes, genesis, gameboy , snes etc.. but i really can't be bothered checking them out as a) i've got a gamepark, and B) ipaqs suck big time for playing console games as the controls were never meant for gaming.

To be quite honest all i use a 350 quid ipaq for is the task list, calander, note pad, and playing nethack on the train to work....luckily i never payed for it as i have kind of permaneltly 'borrowed' it from work :P
Delsabre posted on Feb 24 2004 at 02:50 AM said:
I think he means WindowsCE. I believe thats the most popular PDA OS...
How about Palm pda's or pda's with PocketPC? Point is: there are many different pda's out there with different hardware and different operating systems. The question is just not specific enough.
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You should be looking for a PDA with PocketPC, some do come with a phone but those are around 800 Euro's which is IMO a bit much for a piece of hardware you will want to see upgraded within a year.

If I were you I'd visit a couple of online pda shops and pocket emulation forums to get orientated. (just Google a bit, the whole world wants to sell you one) Basicly the system specs are not that different in the top price-range (which is where you'll end up if you want one with a phone).
frolik posted on Feb 24 2004 at 04:59 PM said:
The Sharp Zaurus has a load of emulators available and it's open source like the gp32... I have been sooo close to buying one, look here: maybe you could post on their forumwith some questions about emulation :D
Noticed UAE is available for Zaurus...

Don't know if this actually IS interesting for our community, since I guess it has something to say, that its coded for the StrongARM-processor...

EDIT: wait... on second thought - It might have something to do with the fact that the Zaurus is running Linux..
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There are games that are better suited to a PDA, scummvm for example. I was really impressed using the touch screen pen to move around and manipulate stuff, I guess they are better for anything that needed a mouse

(I'm not knocking gpscumm - it still rawks)

mmmm... gp32 with a touch screen... gp64?
frolik posted on Feb 24 2004 at 11:51 PM said:
mmmm... gp32 with a touch screen... gp64?
Yes please, RTS anyone? Also DPaint or brillaince on the amiga, with draw to screen ability? lovely! ( or even mac emulation and photoshop- even better!)
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