A Positive Experience

SomeGuy99 said:
Somebody lock me up. I need protecting from the crazy people.

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TheDarkSpectrum48K said:
Do you also lie awake worrying about the satelites overhead and that they may fall on your head?
Of course not. I've never had any reason to think there was a problem. If a satellite did just randomly fall out of the sky, I probably would say "hey NASA, you got a way to make sure these land in the ocean and not on people? Just saying, it may be a good idea if you don't. Oh, you do? Great, carry on."

TheDarkSpectrum48K said:
Sorry it may sound harsh, its not meant in a harsh way (so apologies if you are upset reading this line) but basically to point out worrying about things that may or may not happen is not particularly positive.
It doesn't sound harsh, it sounds ignorant, sorry to say. If I see a "beware of bears" sign, I'm going to question whether I should be carrying a raw steak through the woods. Seeing someone get a replacement that could have potentially been different from what they sent in is a warning sign that I'm going to question.
Pointing out potential flaws in a plan is not being "not particularly positive" if you ask me. Thinking about things that may be wrong and making them better sounds very positive.

craigix said:
Single nubbers are replaced by single nubbers. We know which are which.
"What's that? The sign is wrong and there are no bears? That's great! Thank you very much sir."
See, that was easy. :)
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WizardStan said:
Of course not. I've never had any reason to think there was a problem. If a satellite did just randomly fall out of the sky, I probably would say "hey NASA, you got a way to make sure these land in the ocean and not on people? Just saying, it may be a good idea if you don't. Oh, you do? Great, carry on."
that's an utterly wasteful approach. your question should be 'hey NASA, can you send it to preset geocoordinates? you can? great, here's the precise delivery address' *punches in latitude and longitude of a major source of annoyance*
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Having seen all the bad experiences some people have been having piling up in the other thread, I did think about sharing my more positive tale, but now TheDarkSpectrum48K has started this thread, I though I'd jump onto their bandwagon!

I slightly fear that I'm tempting fate by typing this, but my Pandora is more or less perfect. The bezel does bulge out by about 0.8mm, and the lid does not sit flat against the base when it's closed, but to be honest I didn't even notice those things when I first held it in my hands, and only realised these minor flaws existed after other people had mentioned them here. I don't intend to try and fix anything or get a replacement as it's really not a problem.

My unit is labelled #625, and I was told I was around 350/450 in the queue from Craig's shop, so I assume I was outside the problematic first 200. The shoulder buttons appear to have been painted, so I guess they must have been drilled, but they work perfectly. Both of my nubs work, and it seems to run fine at 800mhz, although 900mhz seemed to be beyond its capabilities.

I was worried about scratching the screen with the stylus when it was fresh out of the box, so I rubbed the tip on a sheet of paper. Initially the paint came off leaving a mark not unlike a pencil, but that didn't last very long, and I was soon satisfied that it wouldn't do any damage. This was the only potential problem I noticed in my first Pandora day.

Reading some of the threads here, it sometimes seems like I was lucky to get such a pristine unit, but if there really is only a 5% return rate, then there must be lost of other people who have problem free Pandoras too, who are probably too busy having fun to post their praise.

I think the frustration of the delays makes it easy to lose sight of exactly what the team have achieved. I realise it's easy for me to say that with a working Pandora in my possession, but I've been waiting for a device like this ever since I wondered why they couldn't have made the Psion Series 3 with a D-Pad, or more recently why they couldn't make the N800 play untranscoded videos and Street Fighter. Pandora has already exceeded both of those visions so waiting an extra 18 months, in the greater scheme of thing, wasn't a big problem!

Incidentally, one of my colleagues described it as "a Man's hand held" the other day, which amused me. He was trying to be complimentary referring to it's rugged good looks, so this shouldn't be taken as offensive by any female Pandora owners! (Pañdoritas?)

Also I am a little worried about the satellites overhead and that they may fall onto my head especially as I live in a top floor flat that is a bit closer to the heavens (the sky is falling!).
I have a bit more positivity to add to this thread. :D I received an e-mail an hour ago (though I only just checked my inbox) to let me know that I'll have a replacement Pandora before 1pm tomorrow. Sweeeeeeeeet! :D
Prometheus said:
I have a bit more positivity to add to this thread. :D I received an e-mail an hour ago (though I only just checked my inbox) to let me know that I'll have a replacement Pandora before 1pm tomorrow. Sweeeeeeeeet! :D

Congrats ... Its like GroundHog Day - You get to do it all over again ! :D
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Hahaha, thanks. And now I have the annoying song from that movie stuck in my head. AAAAAARGH!!
Prometheus said:
I have a bit more positivity to add to this thread. :D I received an e-mail an hour ago (though I only just checked my inbox) to let me know that I'll have a replacement Pandora before 1pm tomorrow. Sweeeeeeeeet! :D

OMGOMG!! Let's hope it works.

Is this your third or fourth? I lost track.
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You know it's the third - third time lucky and all that. :D Try not to make it sound worse than it is, as I'm thoroughly unbothered about it.
Nice review, makes me want mine even more, it should be arriving in about a week (it's a one nubber I bought in the Marketplace), and I already prepared the files for the SD card, I need a bigger SD card though. Might post a review once I've used it for a while, but chances are I'll be having too much fun to do it any time in the near future. :)
Can I post in it tomorrow, mali? :P (I think that'd make me the first person to have done three "unboxing" type overviews, as well as my one-month-on one last month. :lol: )
Prometheus said:
You know it's the third - third time lucky and all that. :D Try not to make it sound worse than it is, as I'm thoroughly unbothered about it.

I honestly lost track!
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